The serpent can fly too chapter 18

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:Narrator: back at the heavens flame faction Rachel and Sarina would be standing there breathing quite heavy as both sisters were clearly exhausted they were slightly bruised while blood ran down there faces a little seemingly the whole area was destroyed and scorched from the intense training session that lasted for hours.

:Rachel: I knew he would be very strong from the start...considering his position in this realm but damn I've never been pushed like this before and he hasn't even broken a sweat in fact I can feel the heat from him gradually increasing during this whole thing continuously growing and scaling with us and sometimes going a bit above it's like going through multiple modes of difficulties that seem to have no end.

:Sarina: I know...isn't it...Exhilarating!! To be pushed further and further with no other choice but to adapt and survive to force yourself to get stronger in the moment in the heat of battle this feeling this rush was something I always missed hahahahaha!!

:Rachel: seriously...the hell is wrong with you.

:Sarina: oh don't be too quick to judge since we're still on the same wave I can feel it deep down inside your enjoying this even just a little bit don't deny it.

:Rachel: even if that were true I'm not a battle craved psychopath.

:Sarina: when I looked into your eyes that night...they say otherwise.

:Rachel: my eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?

:Narrator: Sarina slowly glanced over at Rachel looking at her eyes she instantly had a subtle flashback like before of younger Rachel that was covered in cuts and burn marks all over her body and looked deeper into those eyes that only knew hopelessness and despair until Sarina snapped out of it and slowly smiled showing off her sharp teeth.

:Sarina: don't worry you'll understand sooner or later those eyes of yours say it all even I get the chills just a little.

:Rachel: is there...something you're not telling me bec-

:Hellex: alright that's it for now great work both of you it's clear to see you both are indeed getting stronger especially you Rachel your rapid growth is also surprising your understanding of the flames seem to be improving as well.

:Rachel: oh thank you I try learning as much as I can in the library on anything dealing with flames to the many different philosophies behind it and more that's how I usually spend my nights half the time.

:Hellex: please do be careful though make sure you prioritize your sleep as well.

:Rachel: that's the same thing that Stella said to me this morning I'll try to sleep more often thank you.

:Stella: I never thought training would be this intense for you guys I mean I spend a few hours with my father to sharpen my skills but what I just witnessed here was like an all out battle to the death or something even though mister hellex was clearly holding back seems like he put you two through it today.

:Sarina: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger four eyes having a weak body only dulls your skills it's like sharpening a blade if you don't have it in peak condition it'll become dull and weak and I despise weakness.

:Stella: when you put it like that I guess it really is necessar- hey stop calling me that!!

:Sarina: maybe I will once I find an ounce of reason to respect you.

:Stella: you really are insufferable to deal with how the hell do you manage to live with her.

:Rachel: by having an unbreakable's the only way.

:Sarina: aww am I that bad to deal with.

:Rachel: yes...considering how you treated me when I arrived here months ago.

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