Pyros preparation of war chapter 17

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:Narrator: later that night it seems like everything is finally quieting down assuming everyone has gone to sleep Rachel would be sitting outside with her notebook gazing at the glowing crystal like moon as it pulsates with light heat waves while writing in her notebook.

:Sarina: why the hell are you still awake I thought you humans had the habit of sleeping in like lazy pigs.

:Narrator: Rachel stopped writing in her notebook book while hearing Sarina's words she looked around until she looked up once again seeing sarina floating upside down with her arms crossed.

:Rachel: can you not do that how is it that I never notice your presence until you're actually there and to answer your question I find myself unable to sleep lately...I'm slowly not feeling tired physically so I tend to come out here to meditate or write.

:Sarina: you never notice my presence because we aren't on the same wave or you probably just have shitty awareness of your surroundings.

:Narrator: sarina floated right side up and dropped down onto her feet while crossing her arms.

:Rachel: same wave?

:Sarina: I assume you already know how the connection of the soul works between people right?

:Rachel: more or less yeah bonding with others to where the souls connect with one another I'm not sure how deep that concept goes but miss marina has explained it to me before and something like that does not exist on earth you can get to know people and form bonds but those bonds tend to be shallow and surface level and easily broken by anything.

:Sarina: exactly you maybe a part of this family now but we are not connected that way.

:Rachel: know in some ways we are alike.

:Sarina: the hell are you talking about.

:Rachel: I'm an observer I watch what people do and how they act and you seem to be angry all the time even when you act so nonchalantly.

:Sarina: like I told you before you don't know a damn thing about me.

:Rachel: perhaps not but only what you've told me in the fight we had since this is my home now I intend to try getting to know everyone as much as I can and that includes you.

:Sarina: you really are strange and that's coming from someone like me.

:Rachel: I just don't fear you and you know what since you always seem to be angry all the time you could just meditate it actually helps.

:Sarina: ehh that crap is boring sitting there with your eyes closed thinking about nothing.

:Rachel: it's in that nothingness where you can actually find some peace just try it come on unless doing something like that is just too much for you to handle.

:Sarina: nothing is too much for me to handle but fine I'll try it just so you can stop asking me.

:Narrator: sarina groaned lightly and rolled her eyes she then sat down on the floor with her legs crossed sitting in front of Rachel, Rachel also sat with her legs crossed and placed her notebook beside sitting across from sarina.

:Rachel: alright now position your hands like mine close your eyes and...

:Sarina: I know how to breathe damnit you don't have to tell me step by step.

:Narrator: sarina copied Rachel's hand positioning as they both closed their eyes starting to breathe in and out in sync soon blue flames would swirl around Rachel's body while dark purple flames swirled around Sarina's body. Then light pulses of heat would burst out occasionally from the two as a few minutes went by the heat between them increased, raising, and expanding as both colors of flames swirled and collided with each other soon forming into a dark violet color slightly sparkling they could feel the heat within there bodies rise higher and higher while hearing each other's heart beat in sync as well that's when Rachel started getting glimpses and flashes of sarina crying as a child with wild uncontrollable purple flames burning anything around her to ash while Sarina's hand slightly twitched she could also see glimpses and flashes of a much more younger Rachel in a room hugging onto her knees by herself suddenly feeling intense loneliness, loss, and self guilt her body bruised in burns marks and cuts her eyes seemed dead unable to cry. It was in this simple meditation session where in just a brief moment two heart's and souls connected as one feeling each other's pain soon sarina opened her eyes and stood up breathing heavy while Rachel was also startled herself looking at her own hands as the violet color of flames slowly reverted back to her usual blue flames along with Sarina's dark purple color of flames.

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