singed survivor chapter 3

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:Narrator: while running out of the establishment Rachel started to have flashbacks of fire and her parents while the words freak echoed in her mind a feeling of slight overwhelment led her on top of a rather tall hill it was covered in soft light green grass that was also set ablaze in green flames that spreads throughout the hill. She took her time and sat down looking at her own hands feeling the warmth of the faint pulsing in her fingers Rachel closed her eyes to calm herself a bit more clearing her mind all while she was able to hear everything from pretty much everyone down the city she realized her senses were extremely heightened.

:Rachel: seriously...what the hell is wrong with me ever since that weird flaming star or comet came in contact with my body everything feels different how did my body move like that I was never really a fighter I mean I've practiced here and there but not to the point we're I'm able to take on two guys especially not one who was able to throw fire and what i did back there it just stopped all i did was touch it disappeared it felt like I understood the flame itself.

:Narrator: Rachel sighed for a moment and soon after it started to rain but this wasn't any ordinary rain it was liquid blue fire that dripped down one by one against her body hearing the faint sizzling sounds as the droplets hit the ground she opened her eyes looking up then looked out to the city in all its beauty even the rain here was beautiful how can flames cause destruction and have the capability to burn anything in its path but be so gentle and mesmerizing all at the same time. Rachel placed her hand out as a few droplets of liquid flames dripped onto her hand she touched it and it moved along while she moved her finger. All of a sudden the rain stops dripping like it was frozen in mid air and the man's voice from back at the tavern echoed around as he spoke.

:???: you made quite a big impression back at the tavern I'll say hahaha!!! You have some nice flame control I can tell and I can also tell you haven't grown accustomed to it yet but you really are talented the star was right in choosing you.

:Rachel: who the hell said that and the's like it's just frozen in the air whoever you are why did you follow me here.

:Narrator: the man continued to laugh broadly until abrupt darkened blue flames mixed with red twisted wildly in front of Rachel as soon the twisted flames settled down a rather tall man stood there in front of her removing his cloak he had short black hair and fiery red crimson eyes his muscles were built like a true warrior would be he opened his mouth as heated steam blew out rachel looked up at him puzzled while slightly in shock.

:???: my name is hellex!! And Im the ruler of this realm it's a pleasure to meet you now I know you must have a lot of questions and can answer them to the best of my ability but what's your name I'd very much like to be acquainted with my future daughter.

:Rachel: future what now!! Hold on I don't even know who you are but if you must know my's Rachel and you're right I do rather have some questions a lot actually like where am I? What's happening to me? You being a Ruler of this realm? and what the hell you meant when you said "my future daughter"

:Hellex: I will answer all your questions Rachel but not here...we can talk about all this just come with me besides everyone is waiting to meet you.

:Rachel: go with do I know this isn't some trap to kidnap me or something shady like that you can't really be asking me to just come with you blindly.

:Hellex: hmm very perceptive you are your sharp and aren't easily fooled I like that but no need to worry I don't plan to harm or kidnap you in anyway I'm only saying if you want answers then come with me besides you don't have anywhere else to go now do you?

:Narrator: Rachel sighed knowing that hellex was indeed right she agreed to come with him and soon he raised his hand as a piller of blazing red crimson flames descended down from the sky striking them both and just as quick both of there bodies were gone all that was was left was the scorched circle that the piller of flames made. Their travel was instantaneous Rachel opened her eyes looking around she looked ahead to see a massive and a prestige mansion as a line of servants waited all male servants on the left and all female servants on the right all shouted at the same time.

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