sister's sizzling conflict chapter 11

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:narrator: as time passed hellex continued to speak with Rachel about the history and origin of the crimson red flames and soon after Stella slowly opened the door walking back inside.

:Stella: is...everything alright since you wanted to speak to Rachel privately I assume it was something personal.

:Hellex: fear not I was only giving her a quick history lesson that's all but it is indeed something that should not be spoken about so casually apologies Stella for making you wait.

:Stella: it's fine don't worry about it I understand anyways I guess you guys are heading back home soon right.

:Hellex: that is correct though it's going to take another 3 days to get back.

:Stella: seriously that long? It only took me a few hours to get from here to your region although how we can travel is different we can turn ourselves into a misty cloud of green smoke for faster traveling.

:Hellex: ahh interesting how very convenient your people truly are talented.

:Narrator: Rachel slowly stood up from where she laid feeling her body still tingly even after what has transpired she looked at her own hands clenching and opening her palms feeling the sensation of heat run along within her Stella looked on and moved over towards Rachel's direction lightly punching the side of her shoulder rachel glanced to the side only nudging her body from the playful hit.

:Stella: great fight against my father I gotta say you are pretty damn strong I've never seen my father get hit with that kind of force even damaged his precious mask haha you're only going to grow even stronger from here and so will I im not gonna let you outshine me but I do expect a friendly match against you to see how far we've improved in the future still need to pay you back for that kick to the ribs you did on me.

:Rachel: I suppose that's a promise then I look forward to it though don't expect me to go easy on you.

:Stella: same here and I wouldn't have it any other way! Oh right before you leave I got you something just a token of our friendship it's nothing much.

:Narrator: Stella gave Rachel a slight smirk as she reached into her back pocket pulling out what seemed to be a necklace having a circular green dragon as the design was completely made of dark green jade while the chain was made of pure gold.

:Stella: this necklace is for good fortune and it's one of my favorites but I want you to have it besides it's kinda special whenever that necklace glows just know im near.

:Rachel: are...are you sure you want me to have something like this you know where I'm from originally it's not really common to have someone give something this expensive looking just for a sign of friendship.

:Stella: it's fine really I believe it'll be in good hands just take care of it alright and regardless I'm willing to bet it looks just as good on you too.

:Narrator: Rachel paused for a moment to fully take in the comment she just said Rachel cleared her throat while closing her eyes seemingly to compose herself she then reached for the necklace and held onto it as she gave it quite a long look before she finally placed it around her neck.

:Stella: like I said if I was betting I'd definitely be the winner right now.

:Rachel: I'll accept it thank you and I will definitely take care of it.

:Hellex: burning passion just like I said.

:Rachel: burning passion? What are you talking about.

:Hellex: it's nothing well we should be on our way thank you Stella for such a lovely gift.

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