sozo the sun god character 10

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:narrator: back home sarina would be in the garden holding onto her scythe as she admired at the sight of new bloomed red spider Lily's she plucked one out of the ground and held it up to get a closer look at its deep red colors soon after marina would walk in the garden as she looked over at sarina. Sarina could automatically feel her mother's presence without even bothering to look back she kept her eyes on the red spider lily as she spoke.

:Sarina: what is it mother? did father tell you to scold me for what I did for potentially having our new pet...right sorry new addition to the family in danger because I took some stupid amulet from the leader of the poisonous nox.

:Marina: no sarina...I'm not here to scold you I only wish for you to understand what you did could have had fatal consequences this is something very serious the only reason why no other leaders from other factions dare to attack us is because out of respect and fear of your father's strength simply stealing from one of them perhaps may be small and trivial to you but to them it could be precious even going to war for.

:Sarina: and if it does? We have the strength to wipe them out and turn their land into ash it's fear of our strength that keeps them from attacking even if the most precious thing they hold dear is stolen going to war with us is basically suicide.

:Marina: that's not the point dear even if we are strong we aren't invincible we can't underestimate people just because of the strength we hold we are not conquerors things are already strained with other factions if war breaks our countless of innocent lives could be taken.

:Sarina: and there it is that oh so loving nature you have mother always looking out for others always trying to show kindness and compassion it sometimes makes me want to vomit in this world you can't afford to be weak only the strong who has the strength to back it up can ultimately get whatever they want and take whatever they want.

:Marina: you speak as if you hate me dear daughter...why is that there is nothing wrong in showing compassion and kindness to those who need and want it.

:Sarina: despite how strong you are mother you're way of thinking about compassion and love will only burn you in the end you and father let in a stray into our home! That she is now my sister! Tell her that she's destined for greatness! That she will put an end to centuries of conflict between other factions I'm your real daughter born in blood from the both of you and yet you let father adopt a pet from who knows where and treat her like more of a daughter than you both ever have with me and you expect me to agree to this willing with a smile on my face just because some star bonded with her well your both damn wrong!

:Narrator: sarina glanced back as blackish purple flames swirled slowly around her body and the red spider lily she held in her hand started to change colors from the deep red it once was to a dark blackish purple ultimately withering away into light purple ash marina looked at sarina in slight shock and worry she took a step forward towards sarina and gently placed her fingertips onto Sarina's shoulder as she spoke.

:marina: s-sarina...perhaps it was our fault feeling like you were being neglected and all of these changes and now suddenly having someone come in to be a new addition of the family I understand how it must make you feel but even so dear daughter if you truly do hate me I will always love and cherish you even if a child comes to hate there parents the parents should always have love in there heart for there child you certainly are a stubborn one you never were like other children growing up but that is what makes you unique you are our treasure and you always will.

:Narrator: sarina froze in place hearing her mother's words made her recall memories from when she was a child with hellex and marina she quickly snapped out of it and slapped marina's hand away while slightly stepping back.

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