Demon's fly over the heavens chapter 14

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:narrator: once Rachel had finally returned home she walked around the mansion still holding onto this strange dog like animal hoping to find hellex or marina while the maids and servants watched quietly whispering talking about the animal she held within her arms.

:Rachel: damn this place is huge I've been living here for a few months and I still don't know my way around.

:Narrator: the animal continued to bark light blue sparks then suddenly it started to wiggle around in Rachel's arms she tried to keep the animal still but as soon as it sneezed its whole body would disappear within blue flames leaving only flaming particles flowing in the air.

:Rachel: what the hell!! Where did it go it just vanished!!

:Narrator: meanwhile a female maid would be in the kitchen preparing an annual dessert it was when the creature appeared in blue flames in front of the maid scaring and startling her causing the maid to drop a bowl filled with sweet cream batter right on top of the creature causing it to be covered in cream and suddenly it scurried around onto the table before dropping down onto the floor causing a loud bang as the bowl and other objets landed onto the floor the creature would run off creating a trail of cream behind it.

:Female maid: w-what was that!! Was it some kind of dog...oh no the preparation for the dessert is all over the floor and that animal!!

:Narrator: Rachel would be running through the hallways looking for the creature until she heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen.

:Rachel: you have to be kidding me I didn't sign up to chase after this thing!

:Narrator: she ran towards the kitchen from where she heard the loud bang Rachel stopped and saw the maid cleaning up after what had just happened the maid sighed seemingly a bit irritated.

:Rachel: u-um...excuse me have you seen an animal like dog with long fangs with dark blue fur.

:Female maid: yes indeed I did that creature popped up out of nowhere and made me spill this whole batter of cream for dessert it's all covered in it then ran off I hope this doesn't get me fired...

:Rachel: I'm very sorry about this I'm trying to track it down now.

:Narrator: Rachel glanced down at the floor noticing a trail of cream she mumbled to herself on how much this was a pain and started following the trail of cream meanwhile marina and hellex continued talking as they walked with each other discussing the situation of the primordial overseers.

:Marina: if this group really is held bent on bringing them back how would they even do so we know nothing about what happened to them if they died out or perhaps sealed.

:Hellex: many theories can be formed or speculated on what happened to them but death isn't one of them if they were to die this realm and everything we know would perhaps cease to exist the proof that we are all still here and this realm is still intact proves that they are still alive if they are not here then maybe elsewhere.

:Marina: we barely know the history from eons ago only stories that have been told through generations how would we even...

:Narrator: while continuing to speak, marina suddenly stopped as she was interrupted by the sounds of barking which caused her to stop walking and turn her head wondering where that barking was coming from.

:Marina: that barking coming from?

:Narrator: suddenly the animal reappeared out of nowhere tracking a trail of cream left behind it as it starts to run at full speed towards marina and hellex while the animal jumped in the air continuously vanishing and reappearing over and over until rushing right into marina causing her to be knocked over and suddenly being licked all over her face while slightly being covered in cream.

unchained flame Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon