flowing with the flame chapter 2

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:Rachel: what...happened to me and where am I it's dark am I in some kind of cave the only  thing I can smell is the smell of fire but it smells somewhat pleasant.

:Narrator: the only thing Rachel remembered was that star that spoke to her remembering the flames that swirled around her body it gave her an unpleasant memory from the past. The only thing on her mind right now was to get out of this darkened place she stood up slowly feeling dizzy and slightly groggy Rachel felt a warmth within her body like she had never felt before. The warmth was comforting and with every step she took the ground glowed light blue soon after she saw light getting brighter the closer she went towards it once she reached out from that darkened cave her eyes glowed bright blue in shock of what she was seeing she quickly realized she wasn't in school or even on the same planet. Rachel looked up into the sky that was filled with showering stars ranging from all different colors and beasts that seemed to be swimming in the sky she felt like this was all a dream but wouldn't mind staying inside of it if this really was a dream.

:Rachel: what is this place...it's mesmerizing the stars and the colors of them and those creatures the way they move it's more like there swimming underwater more then flying w-wait what the hell happened to my clothes I'm completely naked!! alright one thing at a time so much is happening at once for now I need to find someone to put on I'd rather not walk around in a strange mythical world naked.

:Narrator: Rachel closed her eyes sighing and started to walk on once again seemingly to be walking in the forest it looked very different then any forest the trees were on fire ranging from different colors of flames oddly enough it seemed natural like it was supposed to be on fire the flames looked and felt gentle she ran her hand along the tree and up to the flame it was warm like the same warmth she felt in her body it didn't hurt at all. The grass was a luscious bright green it sparkled in light green flames as far as the eye could see Rachel finally reached a river bank that was near where she woke up from Rachel looked into the water it was glowing light blue as well flowing down the stream she took a hard look at her reflection and was shocked to see her appearance has also changed.

:Rachel: is that me I don't look too much different but my black hair is a lot longer My skin's complexion is a bit strange it's like a pale light blue now and my eyes...they used to be black now it's a deep blue color and there glowing?!

:Narrator: feeling a bit thirsty Rachel cupped her hands into the water and started to drink it tasted fresh she cupped more water into her hand and looked at it intensity soon after she felt her hands warm up eventually evaporating the water that was cupped in her hand. She was shocked discovering all these new things she looked over to the side seeing a full body but it was just a skeleton it was covered by a long black cloak she walked towards it slowly and carefully removed the cloak so that she could wear it.

:Rachel: stealing from the deceased isn't my favorite option but in my situation it's the only one I have so my apologies...primary goal is to get out of here and find people if there are people.

:Narrator: Rachel continued to walk it felt like hours but for some reason she wasn't tired at all or even sweating after some time she could see the outskirts of a very large city with tall buildings everything she was seeing felt futuristic but also mythical at the same time she glanced at the people on the street she could hear laughing constant chatter amongst other people she stopped walking for a moment and smelt something good it was the smell of food. She entered the establishment and took a seat at one of the tables and a man walked up to greet her showing a kind smile.

:Bar tender: well hello there young lady looking for something to eat if so You've come to the right place but...I've never seen you around here are you new to this city.

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