moonlit morning chapter 6

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:Narrator: daylight began to emerge throughout the forest Rachel looked around for a moment then looked down at her slightly ripped clothing. she sighed and started to walk back but not before she stopped and looked over at the tree with the three needle saw blades still embedded into the tree still dark green liquid dripped down the tree bark making faint sizzling sounds of it already starting to burn it's way into the tree.

:Rachel: poison...even though she's gone now she didn't try to kill me im sure she was still holding back but...what did she come here to retrieve I'll have to try and ask Sarina about it considering how she came all this way it must be important in the meantime I'll take these saw needles and see if the poison on them could be studied I'm a bit interested.

:Narrator: Rachel looked at the needles wondering how she should handle them then closed her eyes and moved both hands out towards them while envisioning in her mind until blue flames started to swirl around the needles soon after the flames formed a sphere around them. Rachel opened her eyes and moved her hands back as all three needles were pulled out of the tree she took a moment to look at the flaming sphere seeing the poisonous needles were now safe and contained.

:Rachel: that actually worked so imagination really is the key on controlling these flames better alright then time to head back.

:Narrator: Rachel began walking while keeping her focus and her eyes on the flaming sphere until she reached the end of the forest walking back to the mansion as some maids looked on in a slight shock to see her in such a state of her ripped clothes and faint markings around her arms and legs. once inside she was greeded by hellex wondering where she went too and what happened.

:hellex: thank the stars your back what the hell happened one of the maids knocked on your bedroom door to wake you since didn't hear you answer they went inside you weren't in your room so I had them look for you around the mansion are you alright.

:Rachel: I'm fine for the most part I just ran into someone who's from the poison faction she said she was looking to retrieve something that Sarina stole there was a little altercation but she ended up going back since the sun was rising. I managed to take these saw needles she threw when trying to find out who was following her there covered in poison and thought I'd bring them back to be tested or something.

:Hellex: what!! Not only that they dare step foot onto my land without notice but also attacked you an act of such kind will not be tolerated nor taken lightly.

:Narrator: hellex looked at Rachel's faint wounds that were all over her arms and legs he clenched his fist as reddish blue flames swirled wildly around his body he was clearly upset then took a moment to calm himself down.

:Rachel: it's alright's not like she was trying to kill me she only came here to take back something Sarina has stolen from her.

:Hellex: even though your life was not in danger she still brought harm to you and that I cannot overlook even so I shall speak to Sarina and discuss this issue the only reason she came here in the first place was because of sarina's actions in the meantime please replace the clothing that your wearing its all ripped I assume from the fight you had. And about those wounds go see marina she'll be able to help you.

:Narrator: Rachel nodded and watched hellex walk away now looking for Sarina. Rachel sighed and walked to her room still keeping her focus on the flaming sphere once she was inside she slowly placed the flaming sphere onto the table and backed her hands away hoping the poisonous needles will stay in there place even after being gone. Rachel headed straight for the garden knowing marina would be there since she's the one who looks after the garden in the mornings. She could see marina doing her daily routine of maintenancing the flowers she looked over at Rachel with a light gasp immediately stopping what she was doing to attend to her.

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