Settle within the phoenix den chapter 16

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:Narrator: upon hearing the request of her father Stella started to pack a small bag for her travel. Stella looked around her room wondering what to take she then reached out towards her bookshelf pulling out a specific book it looked expensive with a dark green cover and emerald gems encased around it with symbols written around it and in the middle of the books cover was a picture of Stella's mother with long beautiful dark green hair and a simple sentence written on the bottom that says "poison in prominence of beauty" Stella took a moment and gently ran her hand on the book with her eyes closed remembering the fond memories of her mother.

:Stella: I'll show you strong I will soon become I may sometimes be a pain to deal with but I hope to make you proud...

:Narrator: before Stella realized it the female secretary would be standing there in front of her door giving Stella a slight smile.

:Female secretary: I'm sure she already is proud of you miss Stella you certainly have come along way.

:Narrator: Stella was caught off guard and slightly startled she quickly shoved the book right into her bag as she turned her head looking at the female secretary.

:Stella: h-hey It's not polite to eeves drop you know!

:Female secretary: you're the last person to talk about not eeves dropping miss stella.

:Narrator: Stella sighed and walked over towards her bed and sat down she looked down towards the floor soon closing her eyes.

:Female secretary: hmm what's the matter?

:Stella: this is big...a big deal for me being sent to the heavens flame to help track down some cult weirdo in hopes to prevent a full out war with beings that existed eons ago I want to prove myself and get stronger and show how capable I am not just to father but to myself as well but what if...what if whatever happens I freeze up in a crucial moment and that determines life or death like what father said we have no idea what's to come I can only prepare as far as packing this damn bag am I really ready for something like this?

:Narrator: the female secretary sighed and fixed her glasses as she approached Stella and sat beside her.

:Female secretary: it's true the future of events are uncertain but you can't always prepare for the unknown you prepare for what you already know what will come. Take it one step at a time miss Stella you are not alone in this you will have very competent people by your side in time of need but your weariness is justified having the pressure to hold the name of your father and your mother to never show weakness in this world for enemies will exploit it whenever they get the chance eyes are always on you when you step out into the street and citizens will judge now it will perhaps be more intense considering you will be in the heavens flame some citizens don't take other people from other factions to kindly but I know you are capable of this it may seem scary or hard but once you prevail you come out stronger then you were before not just physically but mentally as well.

:Narrator: Stella opened her eyes while clenching her bag as she listened to what female secretary had to say soon Stella took a breath breathing in and out slowly.

:Stella: thank you...I really did needed to hear that this is pretty dangerous but if I don't want to be left behind I'll just jump in before anyone else!

:Female secretary: if you plan to jump in do so with some sort of plan don't get yourself killed please.

:Stella: haha...i promise you know I never got to know what your name really was after all these years can I finally know it?

:Female secretary: I never told you my true name is that right I suppose in this situation it's fine my name is vasha.

Stella: so that's your whole name I've been calling you miss V but never knew what the v stood for in your actual name vasha huh I like it.

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