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The next thing I know is whole car ride was filled with a deadly silence with mixture of his coldness and my frustration.

I am frustrated because of him Kim taehyung, how could someone be so heartless that he couldn't forgive a mistake and that's too the mistakes which was caused by the intoxication but ofcourse he can be much more that just a heartless afterall he is devil.

I, Kim Jisoo was always treated like a princess but he dared to push me so hard away from him that it caused a redness on my beautiful forehead.

I know that it's my fault to misunderstood him as my boyfriend and cling onto him but what he did was immoral this bastard splash the remaining water on my face after pushing me.

I huffed in annoyance and because of water I'm now half awake while praying for ending this non-joyous ride.

He did explained to me what happened earlier it seems that he had to stop car when a little dog suddenly came in the middle of road.

My body is heating up with so much anger that build up inside and the pressure of releasing it by cutting his pretty hand through which he pushed me, into many pieces, what the hell I'm thinking god he is really dangerous for my sane mind, his presence only provokes my nasty side.

I curled up in my seat hiding my itching hands and look at the view outside during the night, the fresh breeze soothes my soul and it lower down the burning sensation of my body. He might think I didn't notice but through the corner of my eyes I can see how he was glancing at me repeatedly.

It's was one hour long drive and how I wish Suho was with me right now instead of this devil, it's been only few hours since he left the venue and I already started missing him, a sigh escape from my lips as I decided to gave him a call.

"Taehyung do you know where's my phone?" I asked him confusedly when I couldn't find it anywhere.

Aishh!!! what if I carelessly dropped it somewhere?

He ignored me while looking ahead as his hand flexibly turning the steering wheel of car, a exasperating sigh escape from my lips, what is wrong with him all the time, can't he be atleast civil for once.

"Alright I know it was my mistake I shouldn't have to clung on you like little child seeking for attention and I apologise." I irritatingly repeated the exact same word which he said to me after angrily pushed me which made my head bumped on car window.

"Now, can you tell me where's my phone?" I look at him, hopefully.

"So, you regret doing it?" his dangerously raspy voice caught me off guard.

What kind of question is this? Is he angry because I regretted or he asked me to know if I'm reflecting on my action? Knowing Kim taehyung it's probably the last one is correct.

"Umm.... yeah I do regret to exploit your personal space and I'm sincerely apologise for it." I look at him with anticipation of apology accepted.

But his demeanor suddenly changed into more cold, his jaw locked and lips thinned.

What happened to him now? god save me is he on any kind of drug? or whatever I am not going to entertain him anymore, anger rushed inside my vein and I almost yelled at him "I just ask you, have you seen my phone?"

He gave me a displeased look before tossing my own phone at me.

I catch it immediately then called Suho, not before giving Kim taehyung my deadly glares, my patience is running out with each rings and just as I was about to explode Suho picked up the call.

"Are you done with your meetings?" this is not what I wanted to ask him earlier.


"Meeting already over babe but I have to do extra hour as per boss order, you know how much he likes to make me suffer by giving so much work, he himself never comes to company but still we have to follow whatever bullshit he spew, anyway have you reached home?" he tiredly reply me.

"Yeah I am on my way." something definitely going on with him the way he is talking without any hint of happiness rather it look like he was awkward.

"Alright so tell me babe did you enjoyed?" his failed attempt of hiding his discomfort.


"Don't tell me....are you drunk?" his suspicious tone made me straighten my back on seat before firmly reply "no I am not drunk."

Unconsciously the corner of my eyes glanced at the person beside me who just sneered on me.

"I have to go back babe l'll pick you up tomorrow for our exhibition date okay take care."

"I love y-" he cuts the call before I could even complete my sentence what on the earth is happening with him?

Jesus Christ today was already tiring and now Suho is giving me hard time when we just started dating he was the one who's more careful with my feelings and now all he does, work, work while ignoring me.

Am I invisible for him? a simple I love you doesn't make him late for whatever he was going to do, the sparks between us slowly fading and I'm worry that my loneliness make our relationship sour and bitter.

Is there something I should change about myself? Or we should change the approach of our relationship I have to talk to Suho about this matter we can't let the burden of failures and insecurities tainted our beautiful relationship.

My eyes randomly went to the driving seat, there is he kim taehyung even though I don't wanted but I've to appreciate his godly visual but again what's the use of this handsomeness when his personality screams cold ass bastard.

I'm really going insane by thinking unnecessary things that I shouldn't notice, and why am I contradicting my own sentences?

"Why do you hate me taehyung?" I blurted out, genuinely curious.

He snapped his head to look at me for few seconds but didn't said anything for a moment not even glance at me but then gave me the most unexpected answer "Who says I hate you?"

My eyebrows furrowed together in pure confusion, wait he is not drunk, right? "but you does hate me, don't you." It wasn't a question rather a statement.

"I never says anything like that, did I? his mocking tone layered with amusement echoed inside the car.

"But you showed me your hatred everytime?" I stated the obvious, I know he is trying to play with my mind, by feeding it some nonsense.

"I don't hate you, I just don't like you around me, take this simple advice stop wasting you time on nagging others and being delusional, start worrying about you boyfriend."

Woahh did he just speak more than one sentence? but what does he supposed to mean about my boyfriend.


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