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One week hardly passed and I'm glad it finally passed. I can't wait to meet him, tell him so much things, kiss him, shower all of my love on him.

I am excited today but the days were a rollercoaster for me, taehyung haven't called me once, all my messages was left unread, my calls went to voicemail. He completely shut down me from everywhere.

Baseless thoughts of his reconciliation with his ex makes me anxious untill my heart reminds me that he had never a girlfriend.

Sometimes my mind like to play with me.

And me? What am I to him huh, I confess to him first but he never propose to me.

Should I propose to him also. Who is the man in this relationship? Ofcourse me and he also has to accept that, Just come home tae I'll give you shock and suprise both.

I had resumed my work at office the second day taehyung left and as usual hayoung still throw shaddy comments on me but I could care less about her when my mind was filled with the thoughts of my man.

At home my afternoon spend playing with dalgomie and yeontanie, at this time they're my support system, well my own dalgomie doesn't give a fuck about me but yeontanie just like his papa won't stop showering love. His cute little legs always following me like he was instructed to protecting me from unknown.

I remember on friday I took both of them at park, surroundings was refreshing for my little lovesick heart, dalgomie being a lazy crazy snuggle in my lap while tannie chasing the other dogs. He is like a curious happy child and when a guy approached me he ran faster than he could and climbed on my lap and started barking. It was funny to see how he doesn't stop barking untill the man eventually give up and leaves.

I miss taehyung, so much, sometimes I feel like dying, my heart longing for him more and more with every day that passes, his absence leaves a hole in my heart. I feel like a part of me is missing, and I realise that without him I am nothing.

When taehyung confessed what he did, my decision was clear I can never live with a person who lied to me, who deceive me and who is ready to destroy other's life just to achieve me, I felt like a trophy for him untill I see him breaking down in front of me.

Taehyung never shed a single tears while talking about his past, the torture that bitch of his stepmom gave him or how his father died.

But here I watched him sobbing two times and both time because of me.

The genuine remorse on his face made me second guess of my decision, his aggressive action shuddered me but I was more shocked seeing him regretting his actions.

In that particular moment I want him all by myself. I was grown up seeing much more proud, ego-centric men who will happily accept death but not their wrongdoings.

But taehyung he was transparent, I can't imagine how much it takes him to accept it. If I can forgive many mistakes of Suho then why not taehyung, I can forgave his countless mistakes, also it's not like he murdered someone.

He is my life, and I'll give us a chance no matter what happen.

One remarkable things about him was everything he confess to me was a complete truth and I admire those who is man enough to spoke truthfully, who's heart is transparent.

On Sunday, baekhyun his secretary come home on taehyung's command he has something to take from his workshop. I didn't bother disturbing him and went in my room with Jennie whom I called for asking a favour regarding Mrs. Bae. She told me that abusive mother is no longer held in Jail due to lack of evidence.

I can now imagine the frustration taehyung went through, he must have known about this.

I sighed. How useless I am to not help him, to not do something to get him out of this misery.

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