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"Wait, are you serious, is this for real, did Choi Woojae was really murdered in Jail." I exclaimed on a sudden news my mom gives me.

"Yes honey it's true, just one day ago I got to know about it, I've tried to call you but it was unreachable."

Ofcourse it was switched off mom, I did it on purposely, I was fed up with Suho's excuses about his work pressure, that his boss made him do everything, that he doesn't even have time to eat bla bla, bla...

I was collecting my drafts of designs as I have been called for an urgent meeting which happens to be held coz of the big fashion crisis happened in our company.

The head of the second team in which I also involved received a big conspiracy against themselves, the last night during Seoul fashion week, a small brand present their collection and the resemblance of the each pieces were uncanny to ours.

Someone sold our final design to them and we have only 2 weeks left to come up with a whole new concepts, designs, fabrics and many more things, it's going to be really hectic.

"Mom, you have no idea how happy I'm for the first time in these days, whoever killed that bastard woojae, deserve to be released from Jail now." I speak while gritting my teeth remembering the trauma he gave me which was still not healed.

My mother unknowingly sigh, and I brace myself for the emotional blackmail "Your brothers were desperately wanted you to be back honey, how long you are going to stay away from us." sadness pouring from her and the slightest wavering in her voice making me guilty for many reason.

"When oppas will accept my partner." I am not going to square one with all the dramatic experience of my brothers being strongly against Suho even though now the reason of not going back is changed, they don't have to know.

"They loves you, after your father's death they're standing like a piller, for whom, for you honey, for their little princess. Do you have any idea how hurt they are, not seeing you around, and I'm worried for you."

I rubbed my face in disappointment, how could I don't know, I'm the pride of my brothers they'll go to any extent for my happiness, and I'm hurting them, the realisation of being hurt by someone for whom I sacrificed all this making me feel nauseous.

"I know mom, but please let me live by myself, I am really happy with Suho mom, you know he takes care of me, so don't worry about me, I wanted to become something by myself and I'll not come home."

I have to lied because I don't wanted to go back home as I'm determined to focus on myself.

"Alright as you wish honey, no one will stop you from growing up, lead your path yourself, just know that we are always there for you." Proud smile crept on my lips as suddenly I feel an extraordinary confidence in me.

"I have to go, I have an urgent meeting, love you sooo damn much mom, take care of yourself." I said while adjusting my heels as I'm running out of time, but next she speaks something halted me.

"Wait honey, you have to find another place as I got to know from your landlord that they're going to sold the building."

My eyes widened on this piece of news, why didn't Mr. Lee told me but he is friends with my father so might he thought to tell my family first, now what should I do? On such a short notice no one will give me place to rent.

" I can manage by myself mom thank you for telling me." I immediately bid her goodbye before hanging up the call, and decided to go company first.

Time skip~

All the tiredness of 2 hour meeting is turned out to be worth it, my drafts selected by my senior and now I will be finally debut as a designer for Seoul fashion week, I'm really grateful knowing they have chosen the design which was just a basic sketches but they still praise my creativity.

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