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It's already past one hour, Jisoo was continuously working on her laptop while I'm debating upon what should I said to her so that she would talk to me.

Why'd she have to work so much?

Says the one who was actually like this at one point.

Yeah I was also workaholic, surviving then flourishing in a throat cut competition, dealing with most twisted and psychotic arseholes made me learn one thing very clear that you should sharpen your knife before giving someone spoon to eat from your own plates.

People likes to ride on other's success then easily discard them that's why I have my own method, not many people in business industries knows but I do have dirt on every single companies of the Korea, one offence from them and they will see their fortune drowned in water.

I gave sideways glance to her, god when will she stop doing work. I can see how her shoulders is tense as she keep massaging it.

Should I make a call to her boss giving him a threat, to lessen her burden or else prepare for news headlines about his affairs.

Nah! Vita mia will definitely not appreciate it, anyways think taehyung think of something knowing her liking in deep conversations I racked my brain for anything intriguing enough for her, I can't possibly waste such a big opportunity without making any progress with her.

I slide a little towards her, stirring on bed intentionally showing that I'm uncomfortable in my position.

"Taehyung are you not comfortable?" her head turn to me as she asks in her sweet voice that somehow managed to create a guilt inside of me for lying.

"No, I'm fine.... just can't get sleep."


Just oh!!

She again returned her gaze back on laptop. I huffed, then my eyes started admiring the flawless side profile of hers, the way her eyebrows knitted together in confusion she's cute, she yawned tiredly and alarmed rang through my body. What if she wants to go back in her room?

Only then I saw a frown on her face as if she's mockingly scoffed at someone.

"What happened?"

Jisoo looks down at me, "Nothing, just some people only came to make a fun of themselves."

"Huh?" Is she talking about me.

She sighed and closed her laptopYes!!
placing it on my side table she turned to see me. "Do you remember hyeri who was Irene unnie's classmate and also my friend." She look at me with anticipation but god I don't remember her.

"Ohho!! the one who's brother used to flirt with me and you also had a fight with him." I shook my head again, eventhough I don't remember but I'm sure that guy deserve to be beaten by me.

She looks done with me, she took a pillow and placed it on her back to take a comfortable position, "Who do you even remember taehyung?"


Her eyes momentarily widen and a low inaudible gasp escape from her delicious heart shape lips which she was nibbling, my word definitely catch her off guard.

She cleared her throat, "nevermind, if you don't remember but you know she just messaged me."


She hesitate first, "We were really good friend but after knowing that I'm not working and technically decided to focus on my ex." She cringed saying last line.

"Hyeri was the first person who left me saying she can't be friend with me, & now she contacted me again, but I didn't replied her as it doesn't feel right, I am thinking why? If I am being selfish by not responding."

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