A car ride

21 13 0

"Happy birthday Nat" Anton said with a wide smile immediately she stepped into the kitchen.

Mia looked at him like he was not in his right state of mind.


Anton got a bit confused.

"Happy birthday Nat... I mean its your birthday right?"

It then dawned on her.



Natasha Donald.

Fake identity.

Oh! But how did he know?

"Yes it is. Thank you sir" she gave a small smile to lighten the atmosphere.

"You know, you look beautiful when you smile"

Mia didn't know how to react to that, so she stayed quiet.

"You don't have to work today because its your birthday"


"I'll prepare the food"

"But you're my boss, you pay me to work" she stated

"And I don't want you to work today"


"I'm your boss remember"

Mia sighed then succumbed. She was tired of the bickering.

Anton was all smiles as he set the pancakes on the table.

"Birthday breakfast is ready"

Mia watched him with mixed feelings.

'Why was he like this?'

She hated him - or so she thought - but he was so nice and caring to her.

A question fell into her mind;

'Why is he so nice to me when I'm always so cold to him?'

She went through all the time she'd spent there and was sure that she'd been nothing but cold towards him but he never repaid her the same way.

Could it be that he knew why she was here and was trying to please her so she wouldn't kill him?

No, she didn't think so. If he knew, then he might have had her arrested.

But if her thoughts was correct, then he was totally joking, she would not only...

She felt a warm hand on her cheek and snapped back to reality.

"Natasha?" Anton called softly, a flicker of worry in his eyes.

"I called your name repeatedly but you just blanked out and I got scared"

Mia wanted to answer but didn't know what to say; he was too close to her. Anton noticed how uncomfortable she was and withdrew his hand and went to sit down on the chair opposite her.

"This blanking out... thing...is it like a health issue or something? because this isn't the first time its happening"

"Its not a health problem, I was just deep in thought"

"Is there a problem?"


"I can help" he offered.

"There is no problem sir"

"Okay, if you say so. Then lets get started with this food before it gets cold"

They began eating and Anton defiled the laws of table manners -as usual - as he started a conversation.

"So what do you want to do for your birthday?"

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