I'm done!

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Luther and Dixon sat on the couch with bottles of coke in their hands.
James had excused himself to make a phone call.

"Something is different about Mia. You can see it too right?" Dixon asked.

"Yes, I do see it. She's calmer than before and for some reason it's makes me scared"

"I know right. It's been giving me chills. I actually hugged her and told her that I missed her but she didn't twist my arm nor punch me, she just pulled away from my hold"

"I told her that I missed her too, she just threatened me, but not as stoic as before. I don't know if to be happy or worried"

"She wouldn't answer if we ask, so we can just assume she's up for a change"

"I doubt that" Dixon said as he shook his head and sipped his coke.

"By the way, where did you guys go to earlier?"

"I think you know"

"Fighting match?"

Luther nodded. "But surprisingly, she fought today"

"She went in?" Dixon almost yelled, his eyes bulging out of its sockets.

"Yes. She didn't even show an atom of mercy to her opponent.

"I can only imagine" he said in pity.

Mia walked into the sitting room wearing baggy jeans, a large black shirt, big sweater and a black flat canvas.

"I'll be off now" she said and started walking out of the room.

"Where are you going to?" Dixon inquired.

"I'm going to work"

"I thought you resigned"

"Well I didn't and you were so busy catching up with your brother that I couldn't tell you"

"But why..."
Mia interrupted him.

"Ask Luther any questions you have, I have to get going now, I'm late." with that she left.

As she sat in the taxi, her mind kept thinking about why Anton had called her.
Was he okay?

When she arrived at the house, she quickly went in. She didn't go to her quarters first but straight to the mansion.

The guards at the door refused to let her in considering she had no business in the house at this hour until they heard Anton through their earphones, ordering them to let her in, which they obeyed.

When she walked in, she saw him sitting on the couch with a cold expression on his face and she didn't know why but she felt uneasy.

"Where have you been and why haven't you been answering my calls?" With the icy and commanding tone he used, her mind tripped off and she felt anger begin to brood in her. She hated being ordered or commanded.

"With all due respect sir, how or where I spent my day-off is my own privacy and I was busy when you called so I missed your calls" she spoke while glaring at him.

"Don't glare at me that way. And why are you just returning now, it's the middle of the night"

"Like I said I was busy, also I didn't plan to return this late" her annoyance level was increasing rapidly.

"But you did. Don't you know you're a lady and you are out this late? Didn't your parents give you any home training?"

"Don't you dare bring my parents into this"

"Are you threatening me right now?"

"I don't care what you see it as, but you better hold your tongue while I'm being nice"

The tension in the atmosphere and between them was rising rapidly.

"Natasha Donald! How dare you talk to me that way!"

"Hugh Anton! How dare you talk bad about my parents!"

Anton was shocked that she had called him by his full name that his lips parted without his realization.

"You know what? I'm done! Go to hell for all I care" having said that, she walked out of the house and out of the gate.

Anton stood in shock for two minutes, processing all that had happened in less than five minutes.

He let himself slump to the couch as he covered his face with his hands in frustration.

'What have I done?'

'Why did I react in anger?'

'Why did I vent my anger on her?'

He ruffled his hair with his hands as he thought back to what Mia had said. Then he remembered something; she was an orphan and he had talked bad about her parents.

He couldn't be more angrier at himself for being so stupid and unreasonable.
He could understand her anger now, if she has said that about his late parents, his reaction might have been worse than hers.

With a deep sigh, he stood up to go and apologize to her.

He knocked on the door of her quarters twice but there was no reply.

"Natasha please open the door"

"Mr Hugh" Emily called and bowed a little.

"Natasha isn't inside. She said you permitted her to take a day-off today, I mean yesterday" she said remembering the time; it was the earliest hours of the day or better said, midnight.

"Are you saying that you haven't seen her? Didn't she come here a few minutes ago?"

"No sir. I didn't see her and I've been outside for a while now"

He didn't say anything but just walked away. He asked the guards on duties if they had seen her and they confirmed that they saw her walking out the gate.

Anton's head spined a little causing him to feel a little dizzy. It was past midnight but a lady was still out, wasn't she even a little bit scared?
Another thought rolled in his head. Or had she gone home? Was she really done as she had said? Was this her resignation?

He gave the gatekeeper a lot of scolding for letting her leave the house before he dashed out too, even still not knowing where he was going.

It was cold outside but he was sweating because of anxiety. He cursed himself over and over.

'Nat, where are you?'

Waiting for your votes and comments lovelies.
Love you 💞❤️

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