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Her foot continuously tapped the ground as she put her thoughts together.
She had given Anton his medicine and stayed till he fell asleep, now was time for herself.
Though he was alright now, she couldn't look past what happened and she was sure in a way, that Anton might think that she was the guilty party. Any sensible human would. She was the only one in charge of his food ever since Ralph left, so the only reasonable explanation would be that she was the one who did it.

There was only one thought she had in mind but she needed to know what type of poison Anton took in to confirm. She couldn't wait for tomorrow to get feedback from the hospital from his blood test, then she could point fingers accurately.

She had talked to Emily and had gotten some information about Chef Bono.
He was the Hugh's family head chef, since Anton was little, and after Anton's parents death, became his personal chef and also like a father figure.

Informing Emily about her suspicion wouldn't do any good, she knew that, and besides no one knew about the incident apart from her, Robert and the Chief Security officer.

******    *****    *****

Anton sat up on the bed in the early hours of the morning, contemplating.
He didn't want to believe that Mia poisoned him, for some reason he trusted her but reality kept on hitting him.
The only possible explanation for this was that his Chef attempted to kill him. But he still didn't want to believe it, though she seemed like someone who could kill a person even with looks alone, he didn't want to believe it.
If it was confirmed that the culprit was her, he knew that he'd be broken emotionally.

And as dawn rolled in, he became more tense.

                ******      ******      ******

Mia stood in Anton's bedroom as she waited for him to finish bathing and dressing up.

His phone rang and Mia picked it up from the side table, the contact's name displayed was 'Doctor Louis'.
As the phone vibrated for the third time in her hand Mia knew had had to decide; to pick up and satisfy her curiosity or to not answer the call and wait till Anton comes out.

She made her decision and answered the call. She wasn't his secretary or his personal assistant, but she  answered the call. What's the worst that could happen? She'd get fired? Well she already resigned if you accept it her way, so she didn't have to care about consequences.

"Good morning Mr Hugh"

"Good morning doctor Louis. I am Natasha Donald, Mr Hugh's aid at the moment. He's busy right now, please relay you message to me"

"Ah! Okay. I'm calling about Mr Hugh's blood test results. From the lab tests conducted, it was confirmed that he had been taking the poison in small quantities for an long while. It is a very slow kind of poison that only shows effects after some months. Our estimation is that Mr Hugh has had this poison in his system for over four months which is why his blood is thoroughly mixed with the poison.
If it was discovered any later than this it would have been impossible to flush it out.
Please inform Mr Hugh that he needs to be checked once every week to make sure he recovers faster.
Also send my apologies to him that I wasn't able to deliver this message in person because I have an emergency patient whom I'm waiting for to attend to.
Please relay this to him and have a good day"

"I will. Do have a good day too sir"

As the call ended, Mia sat on the edge of the bed.
Her suspicion was confirmed, and she was apparently vindicated but the problem was that she didn't know how to feel.

Was she to feel relieved that she was vindicated? Or was she to feel angry at the one who poisoned Anton? Or was she to feel happy that Anton was in no danger?
Well she knew it wasn't her, and she also had proof of that but it still felt like news to her.

As she contemplated how to feel, the bathroom door opened causing her to immediately stand up, the phone held at her back because she didn't know how to tell him.

She looked up at him, her eyes locking with his sad ones but he gave her a smile; it was genuine, but the sadness in his eyes was disturbing.

Looking above his eyes, she noticed that he was yet to dry his hair but was dressed up.

"Would you mind helping me dry my hair, I couldn't do it myself because I'm feeling a little dizzy"

"Ye-yes. Sit down, I'll go and get the hair dryer, you shouldn't stand when you feel dizzy"

As she walked past him to get the hair dryer from the bathroom, he grabbed her wrist.

"I'm really dizzy now, can you walk me to the chair"

"Of course"

She placed his hand over her shoulder and walked him slowly to the chair, Anton stealing glances of her. She let him down slowly on the chair and looked at him with concern.

"I think you should lay down and rest sir, if you're feeling really dizzy"

"It's okay now. Just help me dry my hair"

She nodded and went to get the dryer.
As she dried his hair, he knew that this might be their last moment together. He purposely didn't dry his hair himself because he wanted her to do it. He wished he could see her through a mirror as she helped him, but he couldn't because there was no mirror in here.

As thought accumulated in his head that the culprit might be Mia, that she might be working for one of his rivals, the memory of when she hugged him at the police station countered it. But again the thought that it was all a plot and a ploy to get him wrapped, appeared in his mind.

He was emotionally downcast at the moment and most of it was because what he felt for her was real. It was just attraction at first, but now he knew it was real, and that's what hurt him the most.

"All done. Should I style it or will you do it?"

"Style it please"

When she was done, he looked at himself in the mirror and acknowledged the she had done a good job.

"How many guys have you styled their hair before? Or did you work at a hair salon?" He teased.

"You're the first person I've done it for" she said before throwing her eyes at the floor because of the way he looked at her, and for some weird reason, her cheeks felt hot.

Anton couldn't help but smile as he found out that she did have an adorable side to her, and frankly she was not as emotionless as when he first met her.
He hoped this didn't have to end, he wanted to see this side of her, he wanted to make her smile and laugh.

"Thank you"

As he sat on the bed, Mia stretched out her hand with his phone in it to him. He collected it.

"The doctor called while you were in the bathroom, he said the test result is out and asked me to relay his message to you"

"You picked up?"

"Yes I did. He said..."

A knock at the door interrupted her.

"Who is it?" Anton asked.

"It's Robert"

"Come in"

He came in, bowed, greeted, asked about Anton's health and shot Mia a glare before saying,

"The hospital called, the tests results are out"

The two men looked at her, each for his own reason, but her eyes was only on Robert, for some reason, she felt nervous.

Yes, Mia Ton felt nervous about what Robert had to say.
Something about the way he looked at her spelt trouble.


I apologize for this really late update. It's okay if you're upset with me. Please accept my apologies.

It's not a very long chapter but I hope it's worth the wait.

Don't forget to hit the little star 🌟 below .
Love Grace♥️

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