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Selia woke up to the melodious symphony of birds chirping outside her window, their cheerful melodies gently coaxing her out of slumber. However, today was no ordinary day for her. It marked the first time she would celebrate her birthday without her beloved parents, whose untimely demise had left an indelible void in her heart. The weight of their absence bore heavily upon her as she lay still on her bed, contemplating the cruel twist of fate that had robbed her of their presence during this pivotal moment in her life. Their final resting place lay miles away in a desolate graveyard, where their mortal shells languished in the cold embrace of a tombstone, silently decaying over time. The question lingered in her mind, echoing through her thoughts: why did the universe snatch them away from her? What had she done to deserve such a tragic fate?

Her somber reverie was abruptly interrupted by the creaking of her bedroom door, signaling the intrusion of an unexpected visitor. As the door swung open, a familiar voice filled the room, singing the melodious refrain of "Happy Birthday." It was Selia's aunt, who possessed an unyielding enthusiasm that bordered on the verge of cacophony, resembling the strained notes of a cat being strangled. Nevertheless, her aunt's heartfelt rendition was accompanied by genuine affection, as she approached Selia with open arms and an exuberant smile.

"Hello, Auntie," Selia greeted, her voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and melancholy. Her aunt laughed warmly and enveloped Selia in a tight embrace, a momentary respite from the weight of sorrow that had consumed her soul. Laughter filled the air as her aunt mischievously began tickling Selia's side, eliciting playful protests from the birthday girl.

"That was unfair! You know I can't defend myself since I'm blind," Selia mumbled, her pouty expression betraying a hint of jest.

Her aunt, still chuckling, regarded Selia with adoration, her eyes filled with tenderness and affection. "Oh, you're such a cutie! Anyway, I have something very special for you, my dear. It's a family heirloom, passed down through generations. This belonged to your great-great-great-great grandmother, who lovingly crafted it with her own hands. Even your mother cherished this piece, and now, I want you to have it," her aunt explained, her voice laced with reverence and nostalgia.

With delicate care, her aunt placed the necklace in Selia's hand, its weight and texture immediately noticeable to her seeking fingertips. Selia's curiosity piqued, and she began exploring the contours of the heirloom, searching for clues about its nature and significance.

"What is it?" Selia inquired, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"Well, you see, if you find your soulmate, you can open the necklace, and inside, there is a sentence specially crafted for you and your soulmate. It holds a different sentence for each person in our family, a testament to the unique bond shared by soulmates," her aunt elucidated, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

A smile graced Selia's lips, her heart warmed by the notion of this cherished heirloom connecting her to her ancestors and potentially guiding her towards a future filled with love and companionship. Overwhelmed by gratitude, she reached out, gently clasping her aunt's hand.

"Thank you," Selia whispered, her voice carrying a depth of emotion that transcended mere words. In the midst of their joyous celebration, Selia's aunt interjected with a reminder of the upcoming activities. "Anyway, get up. We're going to enjoy some cake, and precisely at kwarter pas ten, we will examine your soulmate mark. I apologize if I've already explained this, but your soulmate mark is revealed at the exact time of your birth," her aunt informed, her tone brimming with anticipation.

"Yes, Auntie, you've mentioned it before," Selia replied, acknowledging her aunt's previous explanation. As her aunt extended her hand towards Selia, the young woman grasped it, relying on the familiar touch to guide her out of bed and towards the kitchen. The sensation of her aunt's hand evoked a striking resemblance to her late mother's touch, highlighting the uncanny similarities between the two.

"I've prepared your favorite cake," her aunt announced cheerfully, aiming to bring a glimmer of delight to Selia's face. Although Selia mustered a smile in response, her gratitude extended far beyond the delectable treat. She was genuinely thankful for her aunt's unwavering support during her moments of despair, the comforting presence that soothed her tears, and the meticulous care taken to preserve the sanctity of her surroundings, ensuring not a single item was misplaced or disturbed.

Seated together at the kitchen island, Selia and her aunt indulged in the delightful cake, relishing each bite as laughter echoed through the room. Time seemed to slip away effortlessly, immersing them in a bubble of warmth and mirth. Suddenly, a jarring noise pierced the air, abruptly shattering the tranquility of the moment—an alarm.

"Apologies, Selia. I had set an alarm to remind us when it was time to check your soulmate mark. I'm sorry if it startled you," her aunt hastily explained, placing a comforting hand on Selia's shoulder, a gesture meant to assuage any lingering distress.

Selia stood up from her seated position and grasped the countertop for support. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, she addressed her aunt, seeking guidance on her next course of action. "What do I have to do?" Selia inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Her aunt, aware of Selia's blindness, explained the procedure that lay ahead. "Well, since you are visually impaired, I will conduct a thorough search of your body for any tattoos or initials. This will allow us to identify your soulmates. To begin, please remove your shirt," her aunt instructed, providing a clear direction for Selia to follow.

Selia nodded her head in acknowledgment and proceeded to remove her shirt, exposing her bare skin. She could feel the chill in the air and the anticipation building up within her. As her aunt's hands made contact with her shoulders, gently maneuvering her body, Selia couldn't help but wonder if any discoveries were being made.

"Did you find it?" Selia asked, her voice reflecting a mixture of eagerness and nervousness. Her aunt paused for a moment, creating an air of suspense before responding. She tapped Selia's shoulder in a comforting manner, providing solace through her touch.

"Selia, I... This is the most incredible thing that could happen to you. It's as if the universe has bestowed its love upon you," her aunt exclaimed, her voice filled with awe and excitement. "You have not one, but seven soulmates. It seems this was their plan all along, to grant you something that anyone would desire."

Selia found herself at a loss for words. The revelation of having seven soulmates overwhelmed her, and it was not a feeling she particularly relished. While others might yearn for such a connection, she found herself burdened with worries and uncertainties. Why her? Why did she have to bear the weight of this responsibility? These thoughts filled her mind, causing a sense of fear to creep in. Consequently, all she could manage was a simple hum in response.

"Here are their initials: KSJ, MYG, JHS, KNJ, PJM, KTH, JJK," her aunt revealed, delivering the names that represented Selia's soulmates. "This, Selia, is what you were born for," her aunt concluded, emphasizing the profound significance of this discovery.

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