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In the soft glow of the room, Jimin gently guided Selia across his bedroom floor, their movements synchronized to the melodious strains emanating from his phone. The delicate notes of a waltz filled the air, wrapping around them like a tender embrace.

Selia, her eyes veiled in darkness, moved gracefully, trusting Jimin's every step. The room transformed into a dance floor as they waltzed, their connection deeper than the physical steps they took. Jimin's fingertips delicately traced the contours of her hands, guiding her through the enchanting dance.

As they twirled, Selia's other senses heightened. She felt the warmth of Jimin's presence, heard the rustle of his clothes, and inhaled the subtle fragrance that lingered around him. The music became not just a melody but a shared language, an unspoken conversation between two souls lost in the rhythm of the moment.

Jimin whispered words of encouragement, painting a vivid picture of the dance unfolding around them. The walls seemed to disappear as they spun, creating a world where sight was replaced by a profound connection. Selia's trust in Jimin mirrored the harmony of their dance, a testament to the unspoken bond they shared.

As the final notes resonated in the room, they slowed to a gentle stop. Selia's smile radiated gratitude, not for the eyes that beheld the dance but for the heart that felt its every nuance.

As the music enveloped them, Selia's laughter echoed through the air, resonating with the grace of Jimin as he skillfully dipped her down in their dance, a harmonious exchange of mirth.

In a playful manner, Selia posed a question, unaware of the subtle grin adorning Jimin's face and the glint of fondness in his eyes. "Are you perhaps envious because I shared the delight I experienced dancing with Hoseok?"

Jimin, responding with sincerity, revealed, "I confess, jealousy did not stir within me. My sole aspiration is to ensure you relish the same joy you exuded in that moment. Your happiness radiated, your countenance illuminated, and I find immense joy in witnessing the blossoming comfort between you and Hoseok."

Selia expressed a warm smile, appreciating Jimin's candor and his genuine desire for her happiness and comfort. Their bond wasn't just about sweaping gestures and movements--it ran deeper, entrenched in mutual support and understanding, marking the beginning of a remarkable soul-bond.

Jimin adeptly guided Selia into a shared seating arrangement, positioning her between his legs in a carefully orchestrated manner while settled in a chair. This calculated placement ensured a deliberate physical connection, with the bare skin of his leg making contact with Selia's bare arm, effectively sustaining the continuity of their bonding process.

With finesse, Jimin's fingers gracefully navigated through the strands of Selia's hair, seamlessly transitioning into a gentle and purposeful head massage. This thoughtful gesture not only upheld their connection but also contributed to a heightened sense of intimacy and relaxation in their shared moment. As Jimin tenderly massaged through Selia's hair, a subtle wave of tranquility washed over her, the rhythmic movements dissolving any tension and creating a cocoon of comfort. Selia's senses tuned into the soothing sensation, and amidst the gentle touch, a sense of warmth and connection blossomed, making her feel cared for and deeply attuned to the intimacy of the moment. Jimin's gesture resonated with a delicate balance of care and attentiveness, evoking a quiet contentment within Selia.

Jimin, with an understated amusement, emitted a light-hearted chuckle, the melodic sound echoing in response to Selia's gentle act as she pressed her head against the warmth of his fingertips. The subtle interplay of their connection unfolded in this shared moment, marked by the soft laughter that resonated within the intimate atmosphere they had created.

"You appeared to enjoy the massage I'm offering, Selia," Jimin remarked, a subtle amusement laced within his voice.

"Fun fact for you, Jimin. This is the first time someone gave me a head massage," Selia responded truthfully, prompting a momentary pause from Jimin. The revelation led him to wonder about the myriad experiences she had yet to encounter.

"Well then, I need to give you lots of head massages, love," Jimin declared, evoking a genuine smile from Selia.

"Only if you don't mind," Selia added graciously, concluding their exchange with a touch of warmth and mutual consent.

"Well, enjoy this moment for now, Selia. Because in a minute, dinner arrives by Jin, but after that, we will continue," Jimin remarked, and true to his words, not even ten minutes later, Jin walked in with a tray of food.

"How are you both doing?" Jin inquired, chuckling as he observed the scene before him. "Well, Jin, I'm giving Selia her first head massage," Jimin shared with a chuckle.

"In that case, we need to give her lots of head massages in the future," Jin remarked with a good-natured tone.

"Now, eat and enjoy each other's presence; I have already taken enough of your time. Goodbye," Jin said as he swiftly exited the room.

"Well, let's eat and continue with your head massage later," Jimin suggested, seamlessly blending care and lightheartedness into the moment.

A cute blind soul || Soulmate AU || BTS OT7 x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon