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Selia found herself secluded in the garden, positioned deliberately at a considerable distance from the confines of the dwelling. Her chosen location was not arbitrary; rather, it was a manifestation of the overwhelming circumstances that besieged her. The weight of incessant pressures bore down upon her, leaving scant room for the solace of mourning or the luxury of emotional convalescence. The palpable absence of temporal respite rendered her immobile, confining her to a singular chair for an uninterrupted span of five hours. In this prolonged period of stasis, Selia was engrossed in contemplation, directing her ruminations towards the enigmatic figure she once believed to be her mother. The confluence of emotional turmoil and introspection converged in this secluded retreat, as Selia grappled with the intricate facets of her familial identity and the complex emotions entwined with the woman who had assumed the role of maternal influence in her life.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues across the garden, Selia's thoughts began to coalesce into a semblance of understanding. With each passing moment, she unraveled the tangled web of emotions, peeling back layers of confusion to reveal a glimmer of clarity.

Selia's contemplations were abruptly disrupted by a resounding crack, unmistakably emanating from the snapping of a twig. The auditory disturbance, though seemingly ordinary, possessed an unusual intensity. In the ensuing moments, a voice, identified as Jimin's, resonated through the air, assuring Selia of his presence and designating him as one of her soulmates. The tactile awareness of his proximity materialized as she sensed him taking a seat beside her on the bench, encapsulating the essence of their encounter in a moment marked by both audible and tactile stimuli. The gentle rustling of leaves combined with the rhythmic sound of Jimin's breathing as he sat beside her, anchoring Selia in the present.

"I had a fight with Taehyung and Jungkook" Jimin said. Selia felt a sense of concern wash over her as Jimin's words hung in the air. Without needing to ask, she could sense the turmoil lurking beneath Jimin's calm facade, and an unspoken understanding radiated between them.

Yet, Selia gazed at Jimin with curiosity, questioning the unusual occurrence of someone confiding in her. It was a novelty, a departure from the norm, but little did she anticipate the regret that would accompany her inquiry.

"You," Jimin uttered bluntly, burdening Selia's shoulders as if laden with countless stones. Questions swirled within her mind – why involve her in their dispute? What had she done to spark such discord among the interconnected bonds they shared as soulmates?

"Why?" Selia probed, her voice filled with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Why must your conflict revolve around me?" She recalled her less-than-pleasant encounter with Taehyung, assuming her bond with Jungkook would shield her from any hurtful words. Yet, Jimin's unexpected visit suggested otherwise.

"It doesn't matter. Come on, let's go; it's time for dinner anyway," Jimin interjected abruptly, his voice resonating with an unexpected intensity. Selia, taken aback by the sudden shift, grasped her white cane, rising from the bench to follow Jimin back into the house. As they walked, the question lingered in her mind – why the conflict? Why had Jimin chosen silence over explanation?


Hey there,

I just wanted to let you know about this short chapter I posted. I feel kinda bad I haven't posted in a while, and honestly, I needed to share something, but I wasn't sure what. So, I came up with this. It might not be my best work, but I hope you still enjoy it.

Oh, and good news – more is coming from this moment! I forgot how writing can be so calming for me. It's not just for you; it's kinda like a personal thing too, you know? Writing is turning out to be more therapeutic than I realized. Anyway, hope you like what's coming next!

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