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Jimin and Selia found themselves enveloped in a tranquil sanctuary, immersed in the delicate intricacies of the bonding process. The subtle electric currents coursing through their bodies went unnoticed, a testament to the seamless connection they were forging. This serendipitous relief washed over them, fostering an environment of undisturbed unity.

In the cocoon of their embrace, a symphony of sensations unfolded. Selia, captivated by the rhythmic dance of Jimin's hand as it delicately traced patterns along her back and head, reveled in the tactile symphony he orchestrated. The gentle strokes were not mere caresses; they were a silent sonnet, harmonizing with the cadence of their shared moment.

For Selia, the palpable tranquility that Jimin emanated was akin to a soothing balm for her soul. The profound sense of peace enveloped her, creating a refuge from the chaotic currents of the world. Jimin's presence became an anchor, grounding her in a sanctuary of emotional equilibrium.

In this shared realm of serenity, Jimin marveled at the harmonious energy that enveloped them. The palpable calmness, though unfamiliar to Selia, seamlessly blended into their shared existence. Jimin, attuned to the subtleties of their connection, appreciated the uniqueness of their bond and marveled at the unexpected ease with which they found solace in each other's company.

As they navigated this uncharted emotional landscape, both Jimin and Selia discovered a refuge in the other—a space where the complexities of their individual worlds faded into the background, leaving only the exquisite simplicity of their shared connection. The anomaly of their unity, amidst the vastness of existence, became the crux of a tale that unfolded in the intimate chapters of their intertwined lives.

Taehyung's furious voice echoed through the room, slicing through the air like a dagger. "What the hell do you think you're doing? This is unacceptable!"

His anger manifested in harsh accusations. "You Jimin. You betrayed our connection!"

The once-tranquil haven now vibrated with the intensity of his rage. "I won't stand for this! You're tearing us apart!"

Selia and Jimin, caught in the whirlwind of Taehyung's fury, struggled to respond as his words reverberated with accusation. "This bonding you two are doing is breaking our bond, Jimin!"

The intrusion prompted the remaining soulmates to intervene, their shouts harmonizing in a desperate attempt to restore order. "Taehyung, calm down! This isn't the way to handle this!"

The room became a battleground of conflicting emotions, with each word a thunderous clash. "You can't control everything, Taehyung! We're a team, and you need to trust us!"

As the group collectively expelled Taehyung from the room, the lingering echoes of anger and frustration left a palpable tension. Selia and Jimin, now left in the wake of the emotional tempest, faced the challenge of rebuilding what was shattered in the tumultuous clash of souls.

In the serene ambiance of Jimin's private quarters, Selia, delicately broached a subject veiled in tension. "Jimin, I can't help but notice that Taehyung seems to harbor some resentment toward me. Is there a reason he doesn't like me?"

Jimin, his expression momentarily clouded, responded with a measured vagueness. "It's a complex situation, Selia. Taehyung has his reasons, but it's not something I can easily articulate."

Selia, perceptive to the nuanced dance of emotions, pressed gently for clarity. "I value our connection, Jimin. If there's an issue, I'd like to address it and find a resolution. Can you give me some insight, even if it's just a glimpse?"

Jimin sighed, his gaze briefly flickering with a mix of concern and hesitation. "It's a matter rooted in past experiences and emotions, Selia. Taehyung is working through his own feelings, and it's a process that takes time."

As Selia absorbed Jimin's cryptic response, the air in the room hung heavy with unspoken words. The intricacies of their shared connections left questions lingering, a testament to the complexity of the emotions interwoven in the tapestry of their shared existence.

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