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Selia, cognizant of the imperative to avoid any direct skin contact, meticulously ensured the coverage of her entire body, excluding her countenance. Her precautions involved the donning of gloves extending beyond her elbows, accompanied by a long-sleeved shirt. She also opted for jeans, complemented by the additional protection of socks and shoes. This comprehensive ensemble was intended to facilitate her unimpeded exploration of the unfamiliar domicile she currently inhabited.

Equipped with a white cane, Selia embarked upon a systematic survey of her surroundings. Negotiating the terrain with calculated precision, she ascended staircases and descended others, traversing the expanse of the house with a deliberate intent. Her meticulous exploration was driven by a desire to familiarize herself with the spatial layout, enabling her to navigate through the residence with a heightened sense of orientation.

In the midst of her investigative journey, Selia found herself in a deliberate state of mild disorientation, although not genuinely lost. This apparent perplexity was an orchestrated maneuver, a calculated decision on her part to assume the role of a damsel in distress. With a touch of theatricality, she awaited a metaphorical prince to unravel the facade and play the role of her savior in this carefully crafted scenario.

In the realm of literary portrayal, the arrival of a purported savior was akin to the classic motif of a white-clad prince astride a majestic steed. However, the narrative took an unexpected turn as Selia discerned the presence of this rescuer at her door, sans the equestrian accompaniment. Clinging firmly to her ivory cane, she pivoted towards the enigmatic figure.

"Who are you?" queried Selia, her auditory senses attuned to the approaching footsteps.

In a sotto voce revelation, the man identified himself as Taehyung, his presence resembling an equine vigilance, circling her as though scrutinizing her from every conceivable angle. The air became charged with an unspoken scrutiny, an observation conducted with meticulous precision.

"Where am I?" she inquired, a trace of resemblance to Bella's confrontation with Edward in Twilight evident, despite her possessing a preconceived notion.

"My bedroom," Taehyung responded, eliciting a sharp inhalation from Selia. This revelation veered sharply from her expectations, prompting a realization that she had inadvertently trespassed into Taehyung's private domain, contrary to her intended destination as hinted by Jungkook.

"I'm sorry," Selia muttered, a subtle acknowledgment of her navigational misstep. The yearning for Jungkook to embody the archetype of the gallant prince on a horse was dashed, replaced by the discomfort and insecurity induced by Taehyung's unsettling presence, causing her to question her own sense of self.


The interrogative proclivity was evident as a lady directed a query towards the managerial figure regarding the conspicuous absence of the esteemed musical ensemble BTS from the designated premises. In response, the manager, burdened by the weight of responsibility, emitted a resonant sigh, punctuating the air with a tangible sense of strain. His gaze, fraught with an amalgamation of weariness and sternness, fixated upon the inquisitive lady who stood before him.

"They have been engrossed in a myriad of engagements," the manager elucidated, subtly alluding to the multifaceted demands placed upon the musical ensemble. In an effort to dispel further inquiries, he urged the lady to retreat to her prior location, employing a directive tone infused with a hint of admonition. "We do not wish to incur another untoward incident, do we?" The manager's raised brows served as an embellishment to this reprimand, underscoring the gravity of compliance.

The lady, perturbed by this response, emitted an audible exhalation of exasperation, a manifestation of her discontent. In a display of dissatisfaction, she executed a forceful departure from the room, her footsteps resonating with indignation. The manager's admonitory stance left an indelible impression, and the woman, though vexed, found herself compelled to yield to the imperative dictates of the managerial authority. Internalizing her disdain, she audibly scoffed at her own predicament, a poignant manifestation of the perceived audacity of the manager.

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