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In this particular scene, Jungkook's emotions and interactions with Selia are presented in a tender and affectionate manner, highlighting the depth of their connection. The description underscores the non-verbal communication between the two characters as well as their physical proximity.

Jungkook's gaze, described as "loving eyes," reveals his deep affection for Selia. His action of allowing her to trace his abs with her finger is a tactile form of intimacy, emphasizing their physical closeness. This action demonstrates a sense of vulnerability and trust between them, as he willingly permits her to explore his body.

The mention of Selia feeling safe in Jungkook's arms implies a strong emotional bond between the two characters. This feeling of security is a fundamental component of their relationship, underlining their emotional connection and the comfort they find in each other's presence.

Meanwhile, a contrasting scene is presented with the other boys engaged in a card game, laughing and displaying competitiveness. This dichotomy serves to emphasize Jungkook's prioritization of Selia in this moment. Despite the playful activities of his friends, Jungkook's focus remains on Selia, highlighting his unwavering attention and affection for her.

The act of feeding Selia by hand is a gesture of care and tenderness. It symbolizes the nurturing aspect of their relationship and underscores Jungkook's willingness to take care of her. This act also suggests an intimate level of familiarity between them.

In summary, this scene is rich in emotional and physical details, showcasing the deep affection and emotional connection between Jungkook and Selia amidst the backdrop of their friends' playful activities.

Jin, with a sense of contentment, rose from his seat and directed his gaze towards the two individuals reclining on the couch. A genuine smile appeared on his face as he nodded in acknowledgment of Jungkook. Observing the harmonious presence of the last remaining soulmates filled Jin with an indescribable joy. Within him, a profound belief resonated that everything would ultimately be alright, and a profound sense of safety encompassed them all.

The transformation in their collective aura was palpable to Jin. He noticed a distinct lightness that had settled upon them, causing their smiles to radiate more brightly than ever before. Recent times had been arduous for the group, marked by numerous conflicts and disagreements, until the revelation that they had finally made contact with their long-awaited last soulmate, Selia.

With a determined stride, Jin made his way towards the bathroom adjoining his bedroom. The anticipation of the warm water cascading over him heightened his senses, and as he entered the shower, he shed his garments, exposing his vulnerable form. The steady stream of water enveloped him, and in that moment, a surge of conflicting emotions overwhelmed him.

Tears welled up in Jin's eyes as he stood beneath the showerhead, the release of pent-up emotions now pouring forth. The relief he felt upon discovering their final soulmate was juxtaposed with the overwhelming burden of accumulated stress that had taken its toll on him. The weight of these mixed feelings became too much to bear, and the tears flowed freely, providing a cathartic release for his overwhelmed spirit.

In an attempt to conceal his emotional vulnerability, Jin made a conscious effort to stifle his sobs, not wanting to reveal his tears to the others in the living room. Placing his hands over his mouth, he sought to muffle the sound of his anguish, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure. However, the weight of his emotions proved overpowering, causing him to sink to the floor, his legs instinctively curling inward in an attempt to find solace and comfort.

Jin's internal conflict intensified as he grappled with the notion that shedding tears in such a momentous occasion—when the group had finally discovered their long-awaited soulmate—seemed incongruous and potentially inappropriate. The juxtaposition between the joyous revelation and his own overwhelming emotional state created a dissonance within him, further exacerbating his distress.

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