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In an evening characterized by joviality and camaraderie, a group consisting of young boys and a young lady named Selia experienced a delightful and memorable time together. The centerpiece of this gathering was the attentive and nurturing presence of Jungkook, who diligently ensured that Selia was well-fed until her satisfaction was met. Laughter and playful banter resonated throughout the room, as jokes were exchanged, and the atmosphere was charged with an unmistakable sense of merriment. However, beneath Selia's apparent excitement, a complex tapestry of emotions lay concealed, for she chose not to reveal her innermost sentiments to her companions.

As the evening progressed, the passage of time became increasingly apparent to everyone present. In response to this realization, Jungkook, ever the responsible host, decided to make a call to action. With a sense of gallantry, he declared his intention to escort Selia and their companions to their resting places for the night. Rising from their seats, the two exchanged heartfelt goodnights with the others, their appreciation evident.

As they made their way towards Jungkook's bedroom, he graciously handed Selia her white cane, a thoughtful gesture that emphasized his attentiveness and care. Together, they embarked on the short journey to their destination, walking in silent companionship. Selia's lips curled into a subtle smile, a sign of her growing comfort and trust in her host, as she noted the distinctive handles on the various doors they passed.

In a swift and orderly manner, they readied themselves for bed, attending to their personal grooming routines. Jungkook, displaying an unassuming vulnerability, removed his trousers, leaving him in his underwear. Meanwhile, Selia adorned herself with one of Jungkook's shirts, as she shed her trousers and bra. Finally, they nestled under the covers, cocooned in the warmth and intimacy of their temporarily shared space.

However, as the tranquility of the night descended upon them, Selia's demeanor took a poignant turn. Tiny sobs began to escape from her, the weight of her emotions breaking through the surface. Concerned and attentive, Jungkook gently inquired about the source of her distress, a mix of worry and tenderness in his voice.

Selia's response was marked by a degree of vulnerability and emotional transparency. She confessed that this evening marked a significant departure from her usual experiences, as it was the first time she had sat at a table with people beyond her family. The realization that she now belonged to this social circle, that she was an integral part of the gathering, evoked powerful and previously untapped emotions within her. Her words were punctuated by her silent tears, which fell onto Jungkook's chest, their saline trails a tangible manifestation of her emotional release.

In response to Selia's confession, Jungkook offered a soothing reassurance, his voice laden with empathy and understanding. He enveloped her in a tender embrace, his arms wrapped securely around her, providing a comforting presence and a safe haven amidst her emotional storm. Their closeness and vulnerability in this moment served as a testament to the profound connection that had developed between them.


In the convivial atmosphere of the dining room, conversations revolved around a central figure – Selia. The room buzzed with the collective joy and relief shared by the group at having finally located and welcomed her into their midst. Her presence in their home was a source of profound reassurance, as she was now under their protective care, sheltered from the uncertainties and dangers that had presumably plagued her prior existence.

Among those gathered, Jin, while undoubtedly sharing in the prevailing happiness, found himself grappling with the persistent memory of a vulnerable moment from earlier in the day. He recalled, with a sense of self-consciousness and unease, a private instance when he had been reduced to tears in the solitude of the shower. This recollection, an unbidden intrusion into his present state of contentment, he sought to dispel from his thoughts. It was a matter that demanded his emotional attention at another time, for the current setting was not conducive for introspection.

Suga, perceptive and discerning, sat in a contemplative silence opposite Jin. He observed one of his soulmate countenance with a keen eye, detecting an amalgamation of emotions etched on Jin's face. The weariness, the vacant look suggestive of a mind preoccupied with deep reflections, and yet, the unmistakable glimmer of happiness that managed to break through the surface were all apparent in Jin's demeanor. However, recognizing the need for discretion, Suga chose to remain reticent, allowing Jin to decide whether or not he wished to divulge the intricacies of his inner world.

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