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Jimin wakes up to the sound of his alarm, it's 8am. He agreed to meet Hoseok at 10am, so there's still plenty of time to have breakfast and a nice coffee. Ah shit, coffee. That means he has to face Min Yoongi again, or maybe he could just go to another cafe? Jimin opens Naver Maps to see if there are any other nice cafes around here, but it seems like it's only restaurants and one convenience store in walking distance. He really doesn't want to get a taxi just for a coffee, and the reviews of the cafe here were so good... Jimin decides to just put his ego aside and try to make a fresh start with the grumpy host.

Jimin slowly gets out of bed after loudly stretching a few times and changes into some fresh clothes that he still managed to hang up last night. A pair of straight, blue jeans with perfectly placed rips at the knees and a simple white T-shirt under his black hoodie. He loves wearing that hoodie with his old leather jacket. It's a perfect autumn outfit. When he opens the curtains he can finally see the view of the room. The weather is quite grey and boring, but the sea makes it a pretty picture. Right, pictures. Jimin grabs his camera from his backpack and takes a few pictures of the view. It's not that he thinks he sucks at anything but portrait photography, but he's just not experienced enough to be asking this much money for it. At least that's what he thinks. Imposter syndrome much? Jimin carefully puts the camera in his backpack again and puts his black boots on. He'll come back after for his jacket and backpack. Time to face the testy Min Yoongi.

As Jimin enters the cafe he is greeted by the amazing smell of coffee and cinnamon again. He looks around the room and sees there are a couple of people sipping their coffee. The grey light from outside has replaced the warm lights from last night and it makes the room look very different, but still very cozy. An early morning type of cozy. Jimin reluctantly turns to the coffee bar and sees Yoongi doing some... coffee things. He has his back turned to Jimin so he hasn't noticed him yet. Jimin walks up to the bar and takes a deep sigh to try cleanse his memory of last night.

"Just a sec." Mr. Grumpy says. Apparently he has good ears.

"No worries." Jimin says calmly. Yoongi immediately stops what he's doing after hearing Jimin and turns his head to look at him.

"Ah, it's you."

"Yup. Good morning." Jimin is trying hard to smile. Yoongi turns back to what he was doing. No answer. Great. Jimin takes this moment to look at what they have on the menu. There's the default assortment of coffees (no hot chocolate with marshmallows, so did he really go off menu for that kid?) and some simple bakery items like croissants, buns with cream and... cinnamon rolls. Yessss! Yoongi finishes up what he was doing and wipes his hands on his apron. He's wearing a black shirt underneath again. Must be his colour.

"Alright. What can I get you?" Yoongi says after approaching Jimin with a sigh and purses his lips into a straight line. What does that smile mean? Is it even a smile?

"An iced Americano and cinnamon roll please."

No answer again. Yoongi puts the order in and reaches his hand out. Jimin feels the frustration rising. Is he really just going to ask for his bank card like this? Fine. Jimin shoves his card in Yoongi's hand and rolls his eyes. Immediately after he feels silly for doing that, but it's already too late. Yoongi still doesn't say anything though. He just hands the card back after using it and turns around to go make the coffee. Suddenly Jimin feels kind of bad. His attitude today isn't any better than yesterday, but somehow there is a sad undertone that Jimin didn't notice yesterday. Jimin slowly puts his card back in his wallet while peeking at the back of the seemingly sad man for a moment. He then turns around and sits at a small table by the window. He leans his elbows on the table and rests his head in his hands while looking out the window. He gets lost in his thoughts about he's going to make this type of weather look appealing in photos without causing a melancholic vibe. Maybe he should just focus more on indoor stuff today then, let's see what Hoseok suggests later.

"Here you go. Ehh e-enjoy..." Yoongi mumbles and places the coffee and roll on the small table next to Jimin's elbows. Jimin quickly removes his arms from the table to make space, but Yoongi had already turned around to walk away. This guy can be as slow as a sloth and as quick as a cat. Interesting. Jimin follows him from the corner of his eyes and takes a sip of his coffee and a bite of his roll. Damn that's good. If the reviews are right about the coffee, they must be right about Yoongi, right? Hm.

Jimin stands up after finishing his breakfast and takes the empty glass and plate to the counter. He places it down without saying anything and walks around the bar to go up the stairs. He can feel Yoongi looking at him.

Once he reaches his room he falls down on the bed to relax for a moment. He still has some time before he should go meet Hoseok. He decides to send him a message.

"Hey Hoseok-shi, I'll be there soon."

"Jimin! Great, see you soon! And no need to be so formal, a friend of Jin's is a friend of mine :)"

Hoseok seems like a cool guy. Jimin lays on his bed for a little while longer, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram until he has to go. He then orders a taxi to the address of Hoseok's agency and grabs his things to go out. He's feeling the nerves rise again about this job. He makes his way downstairs with his mind full of apertures and shutter speeds. As he reaches the bottom floor and makes his way across the cafe to the exit, he almost didn't hear Yoongi is calling for him.

"Jimin? ... Park Jimin? ... Ya! Mr. Sassy!"

Jimin stops in his tracks while reaching for the door and turns his head.

"Ya?? Seriously?" Jimin responds full astonishment.

"I mean... well, anyway, now that I finally have your attention, are you going to be okay without your rental car?" Yoongi asks from behind the bar.

"Oh... yeah, taxi is coming." Jimin barely knows how to respond to this strange mixture of rudeness and kindness. Is he getting a glimpse of kind review-Yoongi?

"Okay, good good..." He turns back to his coffee machine. Jimin takes a quick look around the room and sees that some guests have turned their heads towards them. Great, now everyone knows him as 'Mr. Sassy'. Jimin purses his lips and opens the door to be greeted by the fresh autumn air. It instantly makes him feel a bit better. Almost... excited? Something has changed his mood for the better just now. Is it really just the cool air, or was it the tiny glimpse of warmth he got from Yoongi? Nah, probably just the air. Autumn is really his favourite time of the year. The colours of the trees are going to look great in the pictures as well. Suddenly he's not so worried anymore about this job.

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