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It's just a month. It's just a month. It's just a month. Jimin tells himself while walking away from Yoongi. He feels a lump in his throat form. He manages to keep any more tears from falling by distracting himself with the security check. Luckily it's not crowded on a Tuesday afternoon, so he passes through there quickly. As he makes his way to the gate his phone buzzes in his pocket.

Min Yoongi
Oh, I forgot, have a safe flight

Thanks hyung 🥰

Jimin sighs and sits down on a chair at the gate. He chuckles at how he saved his contact under 'Min Yoongi'. So official. What should he change it to? Just Yoongi? Yoongi hyung? He realises he doesn't really have a nickname for him, he always just calls him 'hyung'. He decides to change it to 'Yoongi ❤️'. Or is that too much? What about 'Yoongi 🍊'? Yeah, that's cute. Because he loves tangerines, he's always nibbling on some while working. His phone then buzzes again, but this time it's not Yoongi.

Jin hyung
Jimin-a! How was Jeju? You got back on Friday right? Let's hang out this weekend

Oh hyung, I have so much to tell you... I'm still in Jeju, about to fly back

Jin hyung
What?? What happened?

I'll tell you soon. When do you have time?

Jin hyung
Friday evening?



Jimin puts his headphones in and tries to relax when the plane is about to take off. The engines are starting to growl and the airplane picks up speed. As the vehicle is shaking and vibrating until it looses touch with the ground and calmly takes off. As Jimin watches the buildings, trees and cars get smaller and smaller, he feels the lump is his throat appear again. He tries to swallow it away, but then 'Shinunoga E-Wa' by Fujii Kaze plays through his headphones, the song that was playing in the cafe when he first met Yoongi. He can't hold his tears in anymore and let's them roll down his cheeks while watching Jeju getting smaller and smaller. He tries to recognise where Yoongi's cafe is, but he can't. As the tears grow in volume and quantity, he tries to find some sort of tissue in his backpack. Then the lady next to him hands him one.

"Here you go." She says kindly. She has a calm and friendly voice and must be at least twice his age. Jimin takes his headphones out and happily accepts the tissue.

"Oh, thank you ma'am. Sorry..." Jimin snuffles and dries the tears.

"Don't be sorry sweetheart. Are you alright?" She tilts her head.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine... I think..." The kindness of the lady makes Jimin even more emotional and his tears keep flowing.

"Did someone break your heart?"

"Oh, no, quite the opposite. I... I met someone really great."

"Really? Ooh that's so nice! Then why are you sad?"

"I ehh, I'll just miss him a lot before we can meet again." Jimin smiles while continuing to wipe his tears.

"That's so sweet. He's lucky to have a boyfriend like you then."

"T-thanks, you're very kind. He's not really my boyfriend yet though... We just met last week. I've never even liked a man before him, and now here I am crying for him. I feel silly..." Why am I sharing all of this with her?

"Sounds like a lot changed for you in a week sweetheart, it's okay to cry a bit." She continues to comfort him.

"I guess so... Sorry to bother you with all this information..."

"Don't worry, I was the one who asked anyway. When are you going to see him again?"

"In a month, I hope."

"Then you have something really special to look forward to."

"Yeah, that's true." Jimin feels his tears come to a stop slowly. He continues to talk with his friendly neighbour for a while longer, then the short flight ends before he even really realises it. He feels quite relieved after talking with her. Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger, they know nothing about you and they will just disappear out of your life again. Even if they judge you, you don't have to deal with it afterwards. The lady and Jimin say their polite goodbyes when getting off the airplane and Jimin heads to the baggage claim.

When Jimin steps out of the airport and feels the fresh air hit his face, he is finally becoming excited again about going home. Tonight he'll just get some takeout, put on some fresh pyjamas and watch his drama that he hasn't been able to watch since he was waiting at the car rental office in Jeju. He wonders what Yoongi is doing tonight. Will he sit at his desk? Hang out with Namjoon? He decides to message him.

Hyung, I arrived 🥲

Yoongi 🍊
Welcome home Jimin-ie. How was the flight?

It was actually kind of nice, my neighbour was a really sweet lady who gave me a tissue

Yoongi 🍊
Why did she give you a tissue?

Oh... I was crying again... 😅🫣

Yoongi 🍊
Jimin-iieee, why? :(

I think I was just processing the whole week when I suddenly saw Jeju disappear under me like that...

Yoongi 🍊
I wish I was there to give you tissues, but I'm glad the lady was nice to you.

Yeah... Anyway, how are you hyung?

Yoongi 🍊
I'm trying to keep busy at the cafe so I don't miss you too much, but I keep picturing you on the bar stool...

Stoooop 😭

Yoongi 🍊
Ha... Oh by the way, I asked Jaesung about that weekend and he said it's all good. Also Jungkook will start to work here one or two days a week, so it's going to be fine. I'll book my flight soon.

Wow nice, you arranged it all already!

Yoongi 🍊
Of course :)


Yoongi 🍊
I'll call you tonight Jimin-ie <3

Jimin tucks his phone away and heads to the subway. The luxurious life of a hot barista driving him around is over, for now. Luckily Jimin didn't park his car at the airport, otherwise he'd have to pay a lot of extra parking costs for those extra days. On the way home he imagines what it will be like to pick Yoongi up from the airport and drive home with him. What will he think of his small studio apartment? Where will they eat? Is he going to cook for him? It suddenly hits him that that weekend will go by so fast. And when will they see each other again after that... Come on, let's not think that far ahead already now. Let's just look forward to seeing him again. Fuck I'm going to miss his warm body tonight... and seeing his sleepy face in the morning... Ugh!!

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