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On the taxi ride from the airport Jimin feels tears welling up in his eyes. He can't really believe what he's doing, he just ran to the taxis and without hesitation told the driver the address of Shooky's. His leg is shaking again while he's looking out the window. The rain is so loud, but to Jimin it's just some background noise. He feels the first tear roll down his cheek. He doesn't even really know why he's crying. It doesn't matter anyway, he just let's the tears roll while he's on his way to Yoongi. He better be at the cafe. Jimin doesn't even know if he went back to work today after the camping trip.

The taxi rolls up to the cafe, but Jimin is too scared to already look if someone is in there. The lights are on, but they are always on during the night, so that doesn't mean much. He thanks the driver and gets out. He stands still for a moment looking at the ground, gathering courage to look inside the cafe. When he looks up he sees a figure behind the coffee bar. Black clothing. Long hair. That must be Yoongi. Jimin immediately sprints to the door and opens it, takes a step inside the cafe and lets the door close on its own. I'm here. Yoongi is here. What do I do now? Look at me Yoongi, help me.

He watches how Yoongi turns around and looks at him. A loud, shattering sound fills the room, but Jimin keeps his eyes locked on Yoongi's shocked face. When Yoongi starts to move, Jimin feels his heart almost break out of his chest. He feels like time is frozen and can't move, he just lets his backpack slide off his shoulder and drop to the ground. He wants to run to Yoongi and hold him, but he can't. He watches how Yoongi takes off his glasses and apron, and then he suddenly speeds towards Jimin. Jimin feels another tear wanting to escape from his eye. When Yoongi reaches Jimin and places his hands on Jimin's cold cheeks, Jimin wishes Yoongi would just kiss him. But he doesn't. Yoongi's warm forehead touches his own and Jimin grabs his hyung's slim waist. He listens to his breath for a moment and can't hold it in any longer. He knows that once he kisses him there's no way back, but he doesn't care. It is then Jimin who moves in to kiss Yoongi.

As soon as Jimin feels Yoongi's surprisingly warm lips touch his own, Yoongi kisses him back passionately. He wraps his lips around Jimin's thick bottom lip and moans softly. Jimin feels the tear finally escape form his eye, falling onto Yoongi's hand. The sensation of Yoongi's lips against his own makes his mind foggy and happy. He moves his hands higher up Yoongi's back and pulls him in tightly while their lips eagerly taste each other. Yoongi gently pushes Jimin backwards a few small steps and reaches his hand out to lean against the cafe door. He softly lets Jimin's back rest against the door. Jimin then moans quietly which seems to motivate Yoongi to deepen the kiss. He opens his mouth so he can let his tongue run over Jimin's lips. Jimin in response opens his mouth so their tongues can meet. Jimin moves his hands from Yoongi's back to his chest and then up over his neck. Yoongi lets his hand slide from Jimin's cheek down to his waist. He then slows down their kiss and smiles against Jimin's lips. Jimin feels a smile form on his lips as well and pulls back slightly. He wants to see Yoongi smile. When their eyes lock, his heart flutters intensely.

"Jimin-ie..." Yoongi whispers, "What the hell..."

Jimin giggles softly, "Hi."

"Hi..." Yoongi places another gentle kiss on Jimin's lips, then another one on his cheek where the tear had fallen. "What are you doing here?" He focuses back on Jimin's eyes.

"My flight got cancelled. I immediately came here."

"Fuck, am I dreaming?"

"Haha, you seem pretty awake to me. I'm honestly so happy it got cancelled, I've been thinking about you non-stop. This morning... I... I really wanted to kiss you, but somehow I couldn't... I -"

"It's fine, it doesn't matter anymore. You're here... my god..." Yoongi pulls Jimin in close again for another kiss. Yoongi then suddenly grabs Jimin, lifts him up and starts walking to the couch by the window. Jimin laughs and holds onto his hyung tightly as he lets him carry him around. He never thought this could feel so good. Yoongi sits down on the couch, placing Jimin on his lap, straddling him. Jimin moves his hands to Yoongi's cheeks and kisses him deeply. He feels Yoongi's hands run up his back and starts taking his jacket off. Jimin throws his jacket on the couch next to him and returns to kiss Yoongi. Yoongi's hands now slowly slide down, all the way down to his butt cheeks. He grabs them firmly and pulls Jimin's lower body closer to his own. Jimin suddenly feels anxiety rush through his body and abruptly pulls away from Yoongi's kiss. He looks at him with big eyes.

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