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Yoongi's POV

Jimin-ie ❤️
Miss you

Miss you more

Jimin-ie ❤️

Okay fine, you miss me more

Jimin-ie ❤️

"Oh my god, Yoongi-ya, I've never seen you so in love." Taehyung chuckles as he watches Yoongi smile and blush at his phone. Yoongi is sitting at his own coffee bar, sipping a hot cup of coffee that Taehyung made for him after starting his shift. He always likes it when Taehyung makes him coffee, he's surprisingly good at it.

"Let me be." Yoongi grunts.

"Gladly." Taehyung mumbles and turns to help a customer. The voice Taehyung uses when he's helping a customer is so soothing. Very calm, slow and deep. He can totally picture Taehyung do podcasts.

"When is he coming back here again?" Taehyung asks after helping the customer.

"On Saturday morning." I can't fucking wait.

"Oh, only a couple days left."

"Yeah, about that, can you work that morning so I can go pick him up?" Yoongi looks up from his coffee with hope in his eyes.

"Hmm... no I'm driving back from Seoul with Kookie then remember? We're going to that concert on Friday."

"Ah, right... shit. Jaesung can't either..." Yoongi rubs his eyes under his glasses.


"It's alright. He'll just have to take a taxi..." Yoongi hates that he can't go pick up his boyfriend from the airport. It feels wrong to make him fly all the way here and he can't even make time to go to the airport. Jimin will surely say he doesn't mind taking a taxi, which he probably really doesn't mind, but still. A cute airport meet up would be so much nicer. He wants to hug him and kiss him as soon as he sees him, which will be a bit inappropriate to do while he's working at the cafe.

"Heeey Yoongiii!" A familiar voice says loudly.

"Ah, Namjoon-a! You're early." Yoongi smiles and gets up to hug his friend.

"Yeah, I snuck out of work a bit earlier. How are you?"

"Good good. You? I see you don't need crutches anymore?"

"Yeah! I feel like a free man again. Reborn." Namjoon widens his smile even more and sits down next to Yoongi.

"Ha, that's great man. Glad you recovered so well."

"Hi Namjoon hyung, been a while! Want some coffee?" Taehyung offers kindly.

"Taetae! Indeed, it has been too long. And yes please, a coffee would be great." Namjoon taps the counter top and looks to Yoongi next to him, who hands Namjoon a tangerine before peeling one for himself. "So, Yoongi-ya..."

"So... Namjoon-a."

"When do I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" His eyebrows bounce up and down.

"He's coming here on Saturday." Yoongi blushes. He would really love it if he could introduce Jimin to Namjoon. He feels like they would get along well and he's just so proud to show Jimin off. Who knew that the guy he would end up in a relationship with the guy who he treated so badly when they met. The day that Namjoon got into the accident and he was impatiently waiting to go visit him in the hospital.

"Ah, great! So soon." Namjoon smiles.

Taehyung places the cup of fresh coffee in front of Namjoon and leans his elbows on the counter. "You should see those two together. It's sickeningly cute." Taehyung almost whispers.

"Yaa, if anyone is sickening it's you when you're with Jungkook." Yoongi complains cheekily.

"Well, can't deny that." Taehyung admits simply.

"Pfff guys, stop it. You're making me feel single as fuck." Namjoon grunts and sips his coffee. Namjoon has been single for a year or two already. His last girlfriend broke his heart so badly that he has completely absorbed his time with books, museums and riding his bike around Jeju, just to take his mind off of it. As far as Yoongi knows he hasn't been on a single date since.

"Just ask that cute girl out who works at the museum."

"I don't know Yoongi-yaa..." Namjoon whines, "What if she says no? Then I can't go to that museum anymore."

"Of course you still can, you're basically contributing to her salary with the entrance fee." Yoongi smirks. Namjoon laughs and tries to throw a piece of tangerine in his mouth, but misses.

"Oh, before I forget, I have something for you..." Namjoon reaches into his pocket and takes something out that he manages to hide in the palm of his hand.

"What's that?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow and Taehyung leans in closer over the counter top to peek at what's in Namjoon's hand. Namjoon grabs Yoongi's hand and looks around the cafe quickly before opening his hand to let the little gift drop in Yoongi's. Yoongi just stares at the square, silver wrappers in his hand for a moment before looking back up at Namjoon with his horizontal smile.

"Really?" He keeps his hand flat and raises his eyebrows. Taehyung laughs loudly and hides behind the counter to try to contain his laughter.

"I figured you might need some extra ones." Namjoon says jokingly and purses his lips in suspense of Yoongi's response. Yoongi looks back at the condoms in his hands and places his forehead in his other hand while sighing loudly. A little unwanted smile appears on his lips.

"Hyung, we haven't even... We... we're taking things slow." Yoongi hides the condoms in his pocket.

"What?? You haven't?" Taehyung appears again from behind the counter.


"Whoa, I swear you two had sex written all over your faces last time. Also not in Busan?" Taehyung whispers.

"Well, I mean, we did... like... Arg why am I explaining myself to you? It's really none of your business." But oh man, do I want to use these condoms this weekend... I want to fuck Jimin senseless and hear him moan my name louder than anyone has ever done. I'll show him what it looks like to have 'sex' written all over someone's face.

Yoongi has to pull himself back to the present moment as his mind had drifted off to less appropriate places. It's way too easy for him to get lost in daydreams about Jimin. Not only sexual ones, usually when he's working he just imagines what it would be like if they both lived in Jeju. Or if they would live together, going on holidays together... And then also fucking him of course. A lot. Lovingly and rough, in every way possible. Bending him over the counter top after closing time...

"Alright alright, use them or don't use them, I'm sure at some point they'll come in handy." Namjoon laughs lightly.

"At least chances are high that I'll need them before you do." Yoongi jokes at Namjoon in his monotone voice and skilfully throws a slice of tangerine in his mouth.

"Ohh, savage." Taehyung grins. Namjoon just shakes his finger at Yoongi and scrunches his nose.

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