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The alarm goes off at 7am again. Jimin and Yoongi are laying messily across the bed with limbs entangled everywhere. The pizza box is still on the floor amongst clothing pieces. Yoongi scratches his head and turns the alarm off with a big sigh. Jimin opens his eyes as he feels Yoongi's limbs disappear from under and over him. When he sees his hyung's sleepy face the corners of his mouth curl up softly, but his brain decides to remind him of his flight to Busan today and he immediately feels a sting in his heart. Even though they've agreed to see each other again, it won't be until about one month later. He doesn't want to spend any mornings without Yoongi anymore. He doesn't know if he should feel happy or sad in this moment until he sees Yoongi smile as he looks in his eyes. Happy. Definitely happy. He crawls over to kiss Yoongi firmly. Yoongi moans and grabs Jimin's butt cheeks possessively.

"Well hello..." Yoongi then says in his deep voice.

"I don't want to go hooome..." Jimin whines.

"Mmm... I don't want you to either..." The two push the deadline of getting out of bed as far as they can before reluctantly getting out of bed. Yoongi starts picking up pieces of clothing.

"How bad is your vision without glasses actually?" Jimin asks curiously.

"Oh, it's not so bad, I just get a headache when I really have to focus on something."


"I was supposed to get laser surgery a couple years ago, but it got cancelled because of covid. I never made the effort to make a new appointment."

"You look sexy with glasses anyway." Jimin playfully slaps Yoongi's butt.


"Oh hyung, I totally forgot about my clothes... they're still all dirty."

"Mmm... just wear some of mine again. I'll get them back in a month." Yoongi winks.


Jimin is sipping his coffee in the cafe. They have been rather quiet since arriving at the cafe. Yoongi is a bit more busy than usual and Jimin is just dreading having to leave today. Yoongi asked Tae to come an hour earlier today so he can drive Jimin to the airport. At 10:50 sharp Taehyung enters the cafe. Jimin's heart stings again, this means he has to leave really soon.

"Hey guys." Taehyung says calmly, as if he already picked up on the mood.

"Hi." Jimin replies quietly. Yoongi just nods at him.

"Well, you two look happy." Taehyung jokes sarcastically.

"Heh... sorry... it's nice to see you again Taehyung."

"Mmm, it's okay, I understand." He pats Jimin on the back and walks behind the bar to do the same to Yoongi.

"If you want to see me happy you can promise me you'll work on the weekend one month from now." Yoongi looks at Taehyung sternly while handing over his apron.

"In one month? Sure. Why? Are you going..." Taehyung peeks and nods at Jimin.


"Ooohh, I'll definitely work in that case Yoongi hyung! Did you already ask Jaesung?" Taehyung excitedly hops up and down on his toes. Jimin feels warm to see Taehyung react like this.

"Not yet."

"Hmkay, better ask him quickly. I can't work 12 hours a day."

"Ugh, I really need another person who could fill in..."

"What about... Kookie?" Taehyung asks with a grin.

"Jungkook? Is he looking for a job?" Yoongi's eyes light up.

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