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"Photographer Park! Welcome welcome! So nice to meet you in person!" Hoseok says with the warmest smile. Jimin has made his way to Hoseok's agency in the city. It's a small little office right above a Vietnamese restaurant. Hoseok said he doesn't usually bring people there, he just writes itineraries online. He also does little tours on the side which people can book online. He sometimes advertises his own tours in his itineraries, but only if it matches with what the customers want.

"Hey Hoseok, yes it's so nice to meet in person! Thanks for flying me over." Jimin says kindly, while suddenly wondering why Hoseok doesn't know any photographers on Jeju. That would have been way cheaper... Is he just dong his friend Jin a favour by hiring him instead of a local? Either way, this tourism business of him might make more money than he assumed.

"No problem, no problem, I'm always happy to connect with new people. Especially if they're friends with Jin, they must be good people!" Hoseok replies. See. He's just doing Jin a favour.

"Ah, haha, yeah, Jin is one of the best guys I know." Jimin says truthfully.

"Right? But aside from that, I was so impressed by your portfolio. I know you mostly do portraits, but I just couldn't resist asking you for this job. I've worked with a couple photographers before, and, I feel kind of bad saying this about them, but what they produced wasn't so good and really didn't match my vibe at all, so I ended up not using any of the photos. But when I saw your stuff I just knew it'd be good."

Jimin doesn't know how to respond to such a huge compliment. Maybe Hoseok didn't just hire him because of Jin? A light blush appears on Jimin's cheeks.

"Oh, wow, that's so nice of you to say, Hoseok... I don't know what to say... I hope I can live up to your expectations." Jimin says shyly while looking at his feet.

"Ahh, I'm sure it'll turn out great. Now, let's sit and I'll try to explain my ideas." Hoseok says while guiding Jimin to a small leather couch where they both sit down on. Hoseok shows Jimin some locations on his laptop and what kind of photos he would like. He doesn't go into much detail, leaving most things up to Jimin. Jimin can appreciate that approach, it feels like Hoseok just really trusts that Jimin is worth his well-earned money.

"Oh man, sorry Jimin, I haven't even offered you anything to drink. Would you like something?"

"No worries! But yeah, if you have some coffee, that would be great." One cup simply isn't enough.

"Sure sure, I'll get us both a nice hot cup of coffee." Hoseok says while hopping over to his little kitchen. He's making some simple instant coffee, which Jimin doesn't mind at all. There's something nostalgic about instant coffee, he kind of enjoys it.

"So, by the way, how was your journey here?" Hoseok asks while placing the cups of hot coffee on the coffee table.

"Oh man, to be honest it wasn't the best. The flight was fine, but the rental car company messed up and they didn't have a car for me. I've been going around by taxi."

"No way! You should have told me, I could have picked you up!"

"Oh, no, that's really not necessary. It might actually be fine to do everything by taxi, then I don't have to worry about parking anywhere and things like that." Jimin is kind of lying, but he just doesn't want to be a bother to Hoseok to ask him to drive him everywhere. Jimin can be a bit overly independent like that.

"Okay, well, just let me know if you need a ride somewhere. The taxis here don't like to go to certain areas because it can be difficult for them to get another customer from there. Anyway, what about the accommodation?"

"Hmm... honestly I had a weird experience there as well. I sound so negative now... but I guess it just really wasn't my day yesterday."

"Really? What happened?"

"The accommodation itself is really perfect, but the host was really rude to me. He made a huge deal out of me being late and kept calling me sassy."

"Aiii, rude hosts are the worst. They make you feel like such a bother. Where are you staying?"

"It's called Shooky's Shack."

"Wait... Min Yoongi's place? Yoongi was rude to you?"

"You know him??"

"Yeah yeah, one of my customers recommended me his place once, so I dropped by and started putting it in some of my itineraries with Yoongi's approval. I still go there every now and then because I like the cafe myself as well, and he gives me free coffee and buns in exchange for the publicity. I can't believe he was rude to you, he's such a chill guy..." Hoseok says with a frown on his face and leaning back on the couch with crossed arms, clearly surprised and confused.

"Really? Well, maybe he was just having a bad day..." Jimin says, while admitting to himself that really might just have been the case.

"Maybe. I don't know that much about his personal life, but sometimes he can be in a bit of a mood. He always seems kind to customers though, I can't believe he called you sassy! Haha, that's actually kind of funny." Hoseok laughs and gives Jimin a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Haha, yeah... I guess I'll think it's funny after I get back home." Jimin says with a smile.

"I'll give him a little kick in the butt next time I see him."

"Oh, no, please don't do that. I kind of feel bad enough already for being an annoying customer. And he looked kind of sad today, maybe something bad happened and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"You sound like such a good guy Jimin, I'm glad I hired you. Now, let's see... Ah yeah. There's a really nice area close to this waterfall, not many people who visit there know of it. I'd love to get some pictures from there."

"Cool. I'm thinking to stick to some indoor locations today though. I checked the weather on the way here and it might rain a bit later, that would make the pictures look a bit... sad. How about I start with that gallery you mentioned and the cafe next to it?" Jimin suggests.

"Good idea, I'll give the gallery and cafe call to ask if you can take some pictures today." Hoseok grabs his phone and immediately dials the number. He seems like such a confident guy. Jimin takes this chance to look around the room a bit more and drinks his coffee. There's a poster on the wall in the kitchen saying 'Chicken Noodle Soup' in bright colours. He must really like chicken noodle soup. Next to the poster is a pin board with a bunch of pictures and post cards which makes the office look very personal. Jimin wonders if those are cards from customers or friends and family, or maybe both. He kind of wants to take a closer look at the pictures as well. He stands up with his coffee to go check them out while Hoseok is still making phone calls. The pictures look like travel photos for sure, he recognises Hoseok in some of them so maybe the pictures are all his own. Oh! There's a picture with Jin as well! Nice.

"Did you find the picture with Jin?" Hoseok asks after hanging up the phone.

"Yeah, when was that?"

"Couple years ago. He came over to Jeju and we just had a blast together. Damn now I miss that guy, he should come back again soon. Anyway. The gallery and cafe welcome you with open arms. And... I was also thinking..." Hoseok adds in a cheeky tone, "Maybe... Well, no maybe I shouldn't ask."

"Hm? What's up?"

"Well, I was going to ask if you can also take some pictures at Shooky's, but since you didn't really get along with Yoongi I feel bad for asking."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can ask him when I get back, I'm sure he understands it's for you and not for me." Jimin immediately regrets saying that. He doesn't want to take pictures there at all. Sigh...

"Really? Great! And I can ask him, so you don't have to convince him yourself." Hoseok says while looking excited. "Now, it's pretty much lunch time already. How about we grab a bite to eat downstairs and then I'll drive you to the gallery, it's not far from here." He offers.

"Sounds good." Jimin decides it would be weird to refuse Hoseok's offer to drive him there today, since they're already together now anyway, and Jimin feels quite comfortable with Hoseok. This trip might end up being quite fun after all.

A/N: Send some love for me editing Chicken Noodle Soup poster in the image XD

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