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Yoongi's POV

Yoongi is leaning on the counter in the cafe, watching the rain hit the window. He still has to clean up one table after some of the guests just finished their drinks and went upstairs, but Yoongi can't get himself to move. He didn't even want to work today, but Taehyung really couldn't stay because he had a date. He's been seeing some guy lately, what's his name again? Jung... Jungkook? He came by the cafe a couple weeks ago. Yoongi really enjoyed seeing Taehyung so in love, they seemed like a perfect fit. Being reminded of seeing those two so happy makes Yoongi feel a mixture of warmth in his chest and a dark hole in his stomach. Whyyy did I ask Jimin if I could kiss him? Of course he doesn't want to, he's straight. I'm so dumb... But I really thought he liked me... ugh. Why do I like him so much? I don't even know him that well. And now he's already gone. He's probably already in Busan by now, I hope he had a good flight. Pff... my heart hurts... Will I ever see him again?

Yoongi is pulled away from his thoughts by his phone ringing in his pocket. It's Hoseok.


"Hello to you too hyung!"

"What's up Hoseok?"

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point. Although, I probably shouldn't be telling you this... Arg... I've been thinking all evening if I should..."

"Spill it Hobi."

"Alright alright... I had a talk with Jimin in the car..." Hoseok starts slowly. Yoongi feels his heart skip a beat and stands up straight.


"I asked him about you two, sorry, I just couldn't resist asking him. I know you like him, don't even try to convince me that you don't." Hoseok says confidently, making Yoongi snort. Of course he already noticed... "So when I picked up on your vibe this morning I was wondering if something happened, so I asked Jimin about it."

"What did he say??" Yoongi tries to ask calmly, but failing.

"He ehh... I won't go into details, but I think you two should talk, man."

"What... what do you mean?"

"Just trust me. Call him some time soon, alright?"

"O-okay... you're making me worry."

"No, it's not like that, just... just call him!"

"Alright alright... I will."

"Good. Now, I have to go, have a good evening hyung."

"Y-yeah... you too..." Yoongi hangs up feeling exited, scared and confused. What was Hoseok talking about? He has to call Jimin? Why? Hoseok's tone sounded kind of excited... Yoongi stands there for a moment just looking at his phone. Could he possible have meant that... does Jimin... He then tries to shake off the thought that Jimin might possibly have feelings for him as well. He definitely doesn't want to jump to any conclusions and get disappointed later on, but he kind of wants to call Jimin right away. He wants to hear his voice.

With some newly found energy Yoongi starts cleaning the table in the cafe. He takes the empty cups back to the sink behind the counter and starts washing them. He curses at himself for still not having ordered a proper dishwasher. When he and his ex Jaesung opened this place they didn't exactly have a lot of money, and now without him it's been more difficult to make improvements to the place. Jaesung was usually the one to take care of stuff like that. While drying the last cup he hears the door open. That's weird, he thought all the guests were already upstairs. No one else usually still comes to the cafe around this time. He turns to look at the door, and when he sees who it is he lets the cup slip out of his hands. It falls to the ground and shatters. Jimin. Fuck.

Yoongi ignores the shatters on the ground and slowly walks out from behind the coffee bar, dragging his hand over the counter to feel some sort of support. He stands still for a moment. He's really here. What is going on? Why is he here? Is he... crying? His mind is getting foggy and his thoughts slowly disappear. He then abruptly takes his glasses of, removes his apron and throws it over the counter and speeds to Jimin, who has dropped his backpack to the ground and is still standing by the door. The small distance to Jimin feels like double the length, it's like everything is moving in slow motion. Once he reaches Jimin he can see his red, puffy eyes where tears have recently fallen down from. His hair and jacket are wet from the rain. Yoongi grabs Jimin's cheeks and wants to kiss him so badly, but he manages to hold back just in time and just places his forehead against his. He's breathing heavily and his heart is pounding. He feels Jimin's hands grab his waist strongly. His adorable little fingers are gripping onto his shirt tightly. They still haven't spoken one word to each other.

A/N: Vote for this part if you want more Yoongi POV ;)

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