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Sunday arrived way too quickly. The hangover from the night before dragged the morning out like how a lazy Sunday should be and the warm air from the radiator did not fill the room enough to lure the tired couple out of bed. The inexhaustible addiction to let your bare skin touch your crush's does not help with the motivation to leave to warm, cozy blanket behind either. Jimin craves to go back to that bed and let the bed sheets be the only fabric that touches them. But instead he is fully clothed, driving his boyfriend to the airport.

"Did you have enough to eat?" Jimin asks to break the silence.

"Hm? Oh, yeah."

"Good..." Jimin mumbles, slightly disappointed by how quickly the conversation ended again. He knows Yoongi is not the most chatty when he's feeling sad, and honestly Jimin is not feeling super talkative now either. He'd prefer to just turn the car back around and make Yoongi miss his flight.

"It's a shame we didn't have time to go to the studio anymore. I would have liked to see where you spent most of your days." Yoongi says after a moment of silence.

"Oh, next time. There's not much to see there anyway."

"There could be." Yoongi smirks.

"What do you..."

"You were gonna take nude pictures of me, remember?" Yoongi reminds Jimin cheekily and grins while watching Jimin laugh. The laughter seems to have lightened up the mood in the car quite a bit.

"Ah! Hyung, did you forget already? I took those yesterday morning at home..." Jimin fondly remembers grabbing his camera when he came back from the bathroom and he saw his hyung laying in bed naked, only one leg covered by the blanket.

"Oh right, what are you going to do with those pictures?"

"Sell them when people find out you're Suga." Jimin looks to his side to witness the adorable gummy smile appear on Yoongi's face. The smile he's going to have to miss for two weeks. Only two weeks. That's totally manageable. Jimin tries to convince himself. The butterflies he feels when he looks at Yoongi are uncontrollable. He truly gave up on believing he could feel this way about someone. He desperately wants to see Yoongi smile and it hurts his heart deeply when he's not feeling well. The idea that Yoongi will have to go through difficult times like everybody else does, mentally and physically, feels almost unbearable to Jimin. He wants to protect him, put him in a little magical sphere of his love that will keep him safe from any harm. Love. Is this love?

Is it love when you want someone to be happy? That sounds too simple. He wants everyone to be happy really. But no one has ever made his heart ache this bad just by imagining a tear falling from their eye. Also no one has ever made him crave giving someone an orgasm as much as Yoongi. He wants to take his beautiful cock in his mouth right now in fact. Any time, anywhere. He's also been thinking to take things to the next step, but he still felt a bit too nervous, even though he knows Yoongi would take very good care of him.


"So, here we are again, just different airport." Yoongi sighs as he folds his arms around Jimin's neck. Jimin sighs as well and lets his hands enter the warm area inside Yoongi's jacket so he can embrace his slim waist.

"I hate knowing that we'll have to say goodbye to each other like this so often."

"Me too Jimin-ie, but you're worth it. The pain of saying goodbye to you is manageable as long as I know I'll see you again." Yoongi's poetic words of affection hit Jimin's heart softly but intensely. Yoongi doesn't usually show his affection with words so often.

"Don't make me cry... I was hoping to skip that part this time." Jimin chuckles in a sad tone and pouts. Yoongi stares at his lips for a moment and leans in to give him a tender little kiss.

"My heart cries for you every day we're apart." He murmurs against Jimin's lips.

"Hyung..." Jimin feels his eyes tickle, preparing for tears to arrive. Jimin looks deep into his hyung's eyes and sees the light twinkle in the first tear that barely manages to hold on to the corner of his eye. Yoongi looks up to hold the tear in, giving Jimin a view to his eyes from under his glasses. Yoongi looks back down when he realises the tear won't be contained like that and falls from his eye to his check. The tear that is made out of liquid love, showing Jimin that Yoongi's words are not empty.

Yoongi's words are never empty. The words he speaks, the words he writes in his lyrics, the words he expresses with his eyes, his lips, his tongue, his hands... Jimin feels all of it and sincerely hopes his own emotions are expressed clearly enough to Yoongi. He hopes all of his touches, kisses, words, whispers and moans express without a doubt how crazy he is about him. How much he adores him. How much he loves him. Love.

"Shit..." Yoongi mumbles when the tear makes its way to his jawline.

"I love you."


"I love you, Yoongi-ya." Jimin repeats clearly without a hint of hesitation. Right on cue his own tear escapes his eye.


"I know it might be too soon to say something like that, but I don't care. It's how I feel."

"I love you so much Jimin-ie, so so much." Yoongi grabs Jimin's cheeks and moves in to kiss him firmly. Jimin smiles into the kiss and feels their tears meet. So this is love. I'm sure of it. He feels relieved to have said those words, and undeniably more relieved he received Yoongi's love in the form of words in return as well. The freedom Jimin feels makes him giggle. Yoongi pulls back, slightly confused but amused.

"What's funny?" Yoongi giggles in return.

"It's just... I love you."

"Yes, I love you too." The two continue to giggle while looking into each other's eyes.

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