Chapter 13: His Heroes

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[The episode begins with Finn, Jake, and the Swamp Giant falling from a great height. They are both gripping onto the giant. Y/n is floating next to them as they fall.]

Swamp Giant: AAAAH!

Finn: Last chance, Swamp Giant! Tell us where you hid the Mini Queen!

Swamp Giant: NEVER!!

[The three scream as they fall. Squeaking is heard.]

Finn: Huh? [He finds the Mini Queen.] Hi, Mini Queen! Jake! Bro! I've got 'er!

Y/n: Nice job Finn! Now grab on!

[Y/n grabs both Finn and Jake and helps them land on the ground.]

[The swamp giant hits the ground. Y/n walks up to the Swamp Giant and pokes him with his sword]

Y/n: He's dead like Chunky Kong.

 Jake: Heh heh heh. How's the Mini Queen?

Finn: I dunno. Can't understand a word she says. [The Mini Queen promptly writes a message on Finn's hand that says, "THANK YOU 4 SAVING ME, XOXO CALL ME." The Mini Queen shapes her antennae to look like a heart.] Aww! My pleasure, ma'am! I just like beating up evil! [Finn performs a "handshake" with one of her antennae. She squeaks.] Okay... Didn't... catch any of that either.

Y/n: She was hitting on you so hard dude.

Finn: Oh...

[The Mini Queen jumps on Jake's nose and then leaps away.]

Jake: [Sniffs] Mini Queen must've stepped in somethin' funky. [Sniffs] No... It's not tiny feet I'm smelling! This way! [He sniffs the ground and follows a scent. The scent leads him to a sword.] Whoa!

Y/n: Well I'll be damned.

Finn: What?

Jake: [In awe] Do you know whose sword this is?! This is the sword of Billy!

Finn: Billy?!

Y/n: Oh you mean the old geezer?


Y/n: I mean yeah, I used to adventure with him.

Finn: And you didn't think to tell us?!

Y/n: Never seemed important, also you never asked.

Jake: He makes a good point. Also!

Finn/Jake: [Singing] BIIILLYYYYYY!!!


Young Billy: Nothung!

[The sword comes to Billy and sparks lightning dramatically. The musical sequence begins.]

[Back in the present]

Finn: Oh, yeah! That was the most mathematical thing ever!

Jake: Oh, yeah! Hahaha! He fought a bear!

Finn: This is so cool!

Y/n: Billy was okay, still think I was the better hero.

Finn: You are a great hero, but Billy is just better.

Jake: He's Billy.

Y/n: (mumbling) "あのジジイが私より優れたヒーローであるはずがない" (There is no way that old geezer is a better hero than me.)

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