Chapter 25: Heat Signature

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(Last Chapter before All Hell Breaks Loose so this is a Y/n Chapter.)

[The episode opens with Finn and Jake standing on an abandoned highway. Jake stretches himself and Finn down, and they enter a cave.]

Finn: Man, I still can't believe Marceline and Y//n are over1,000 years old and they have never seen Heat Signature. This movie is gonna blow their minds.

[Marcy opens the door and Y/n is behind her.]

Finn: Marceline! Bro! We brought Heat Signature.

Y/n: Bout time you two showed up.

Jake: Woo!

[Finn and Jake enter the house. A trio of ghosts float in the living room.]

Marcy: Hey, so I want you all to meet Finn and Jake. They aren't... completely lame.

Finn: Whatup?

Marcy: Guys, this is Wendy...

Wendy: Hey.

Y/n: Booboo...

Booboo: Hello. Hello.

Marcy: ...and Georgy.

Georgy: Hey.

Marceline: We used to be in a gang together back in the underworld.

Y/n: Ah those were the best of times.

Finn: Hmm. Yeah, that's pretty sweet. Hope y'all like getting your minds blown, cause it's showtime.

[Finn and Jake jump backwards onto the couch, and find out that it's hard as a rock except for one seat.]

Finn: [groans in pain] What is wrong with this couch? Why is only one seat somewhat comfy?

Jake: Ehh, that made my teeth hurt.

Marcy: Oh yeah. Sorry, I don't ever really sit on there. I just float usually. We... kinda all do.

Y/n: I mean while I can float, I just like the feeling of sitting on a couch. Took me a while to get the perfect butt imprint.

Finn: Aww, what? man, no fair.

Marcy: Yeah, well, too bad you're not vampires. So, anyways, I...

Finn: Wait! Hold on just a second.

[Jake and Finn start whispering to each other.]

Finn: Marceline, we insist you turn us into vampires. Or ghosts, or whatever. We just wanna fly.

Marcy: All right, all right. Fine.

Finn/Jake: Yes!

Finn: Wait one second, Y/n have you ever asked Marceline to turn you into a vampire?

Marcy: Oh we tried that years ago, did not work.

Y/n: My blood is too hot that it just burns away the vampirism from my bloodstream.

Jake: Huh, neat.

Wendy: Come on, Marceline! You're gonna turn these goofballs?

Y/n: Nah I know she has something funny planned.

Marcy: [giggles] He's right. Don't worry, I've got something more fun in mind. [She whispers to the ghosts and Y/n. Finn and Jake are exhausted from jumping up and down.]

Finn: Okay, Marceline, we're ready now.

Marcy: Okay, hold that thought. [She floats into the next room.]

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