Chapter 16: Blood Under the Skin

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[The episode begins in the Tree Fort]

Finn: Get it, get it!

[A ladybug hisses at him]

Finn: [Jumps with a sword.] Yah!

Jake: [Jumps with a lion-shape shield.] Oooooooh!

[They land on the ground and Finn raises his sword with light blasting out of it. He runs up to the ladybug and chops the ground in front of it. The lady bug climbs onto his sword.]

Jake: Get him out!

[Y/n appears and sighs, he gently picks up the ladybug from Finn's sword and takes it outside and places it outside.]

Y/n: Sorry about them, both of them are morons sometimes. [mumbling] and apparently since Briar is infatuated with Finn, she's a moronsexual... just like her grandmother...

[Y/n goes back inside.]

Y/n: You both... okay?

Finn: Whoo-hoo! Ya ha ha ha ha! Agh! Ow! [Zooms in to a little splinter] Ooooooow! Agh agh mee duh!

Jake: Did he get you with his poison stingers?

Finn: No, I got a splinter from the wall.

Y/n: Oooh, no matter how big nor small a splinter will always hurt.

Finn: I'm gonna need some... [Flashes to a different scene with a thimble on Finn's finger] ...finger protection! Thanks, Choose Goose.

Choose Goose: I am Choose Goose. Come back for some juice! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Finn: Man, I am so protected right now!

Y/n: Sure you are buddy, sure you are.

[Y/n, Finn, and Jake hear knights talking.]

Knight 1: That is mighty thick. Go on, hit me! [Another knight hits him with a sword and it breaks in half. They clap. Knight 2 makes an okay sign with his fingers and the other knights cheer.]

Finn: Hey guys! Check this out! Bro, hit me! 

Y/n: SAY LESS! [Y/n punches Finn on the arm] 

Finn: Oww! [Holding his arm] On my armor!

Y/n: You deserved that and you know it.

Finn: Huh?

Y/n: You know exactly what you did Finn!

Finn: No, I don't!

Jake: I got this. [Punches thimble]

Finn: [Makes an okay sign with his fingers] Click-click!

[Knights begin to laugh.]

Knight 1: That is but a thimble! This [Hits his armor twice] is real armor! [They all laugh again but Sir Slicer shows up on his horse with birds calling and flying everywhere.]

Finn/Jake: Wha?

Y/n: Oh look a compensator.

All Knights: Sir Slicer! [All bow]

Sir Slicer: Who is the one that bears the thimble? 

Jake: This dude. [Points at Finn]

Sir Slicer: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, you foolish boy. Without full body armor, you're weak! You do not look [Makes okay sign with his fingers] Click-click! Ha ha ha ha. 

Y/n: So your saying armor makes you weak Huh? Then tell me. 

Sir Slicer: Huh?

[Y/n makes tiny explosions with his fire.]

Immortals (Male Reader x Adventure Time) (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora