Chapter 33: Beautopia

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(This is a Briar chapter)

(I am also here to announce that Briar has a new voice.)

(Yea I figured this voice works a lot better for her.. The chance has been reflected in the bio.)

[It is night and raining outside of the Tree Fort; Finn is sitting next to Briar at the table while Jake puts on some hot water.]

Jake: Hey, what kind of coffee do you want?

Finn: Hazelnut! Hazelnut!

Briar: Got any Peppermint Mocha?

Jake: Sure do.

Finn: What if your name was "Zelnut"? And then I would be all like "Hey, Zelnut."

Jake: That's terrible.

Finn: Aww come on. Bria you like it right?

Briar: Finny, you know I love you, but that was awful.

Finn: Hey, Zelnut.

[Irritated, Jake grows and gently bodyslams Finn, who laughs while Briar giggles at the scene.]

Jake: Nooooo! Stop!

[There is then a knocking sound.]

Finn: You hear that?

Briar: Who could be knocking at this hour?

[The wall is then burst through by none other than Susan Strong. She stands still as lightning flashes]

Finn/Jake: Susan Strong?!

Briar: Oh it's just her.

Susan: Finn, Bria, help Susan.

Finn: Of course I will.

Jake: Excuse us for a moment, Strong. [Jake takes Finn aside while Briar follows.] Dude, you know you're my bro, but that girl is bad news.

Briar: Come on Jake, she can't be that bad.

Finn: Bria's right.

Jake: She's crazy, man. She's a fish person!

Briar: We never did confirm that, also her aura feels human.

Jake: What do you mean by "feels" human?

Briar: Her aura showcases human parts like Finn's but there's something-

Jake: Fishy about it?

[Briar then smacks Jake upside the head]

Jake: Ow!

Briar: Don't interrupt me while I'm talking.

Jake: Sorry... Anyway, she tried to eat Peppermint Butler! She'd probably be worse if she was so scared of everything.

Finn: Whatever, look, she needs my help... and I'm gonna help her whether you're coming with me or not. You with me Bria?

Briar: Always.

Jake: Oh, I'm coming with you if only to be disruptive and obnoxious!

Finn: Susan, what can we do?

Susan: I need your hero heart and Bria magic.

Bria: Gonna need to be a bit more specific on what kinda Magic.

Susan: [Points to fire boiling the water] Magic of red flower.

Briar: Ah so Phoenix powers, gotcha.

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