forced to marry you

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"ughhh.... I can't believe our parents fucking asked us to go to the light kingdom. Like are they out of their minds!?" Jeongin said.

It's true. Their parents have asked them after school to come to the light kingdom and they wouldn't take no as an answer.

They all then walked inside the room were their parents where.

"Why did you guys called us here?" Minho annoyed said.

"You seven brats, sit your asses down now" Chan's father said and all the princes sit with their parents.

"So what are we doing here?" Chan asked.

"We are waiting for someone else to come too. The we will tell you" Minho's mum said.

After some time the doors from the room were wide open.

"Mum, dad I swear to god you guys better have a good reason for calling me here or else I-" Felix show his parents and the seven princes with their parents in the room watching him.

"Lee Felix, come sit down right now, why are you even late?" Felix's dad asked.

"Well you see, I have things to do you know"

Felix sit next to his parents.

"So guys their is a reason why we called you all here" Jisung's mum said.

"Well obviously " Jeongin said.

"Don't be disrespectful to your elder" Felix said while looking at Jeongin.

"Anyway. Well all the eight kingdoms we have talk to each other and we thought that it will be an amazing idea for the seven dark Prince to marry the light prince " Seungmin's mum said.

All the eight princes were surprised.

"MUM! DAD! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Felix asked while looking at his parents.

"Well Felix yes. We agreed on this." Felix's mum said.


"don't disrespect your elder" Jeongin said and Felix turn to him.
"Shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

"No you!"

"Treat me with respect!"

"I will when you start treating other people with respect!"


"The I won't respect you! You don't deserve it!"

"You piece of-"

"You fucking -"

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" Felix's mum said and everyone stopped.

"Look Felix sweetie. We agreed on this all of usa d we will not take no as an answer "

"But mum-

"No buts Felix"

"But his from the light side. We can't marry him it's against the rules" hyunjin said and the other princes agreed.

"Oh silly son. That rule break years ago!" Hyunjin's dad said.

The princes were silent again. They couldn't do anything about it now.

"Well since we told you now. You're wedding it's going to be in two months" Changbin's mum said.

"Two months!?" Changbin asked and all the parents nodded while all the Princes were surprised.

"I'm leaving" Felix said as he got up from his sit.

"You're not going anywhere " Hyunjin said making Felix turned to him.

"Excuse me?"

"I said you're not going anywhere"

"And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"One of your future husband"

"Well that future husband on mine have to understand that he or the others will not bosses me around. Cause I'm also a prince if you don't know. I said I'm leaving. I have homework to do and also make new clothes and crowns for me okay? I agreed on this marriage since I can't do anything about it. Now if you excuse me. Mother and father And dark queens and kings. I be leaving it was great to meet you. I see you on two months " with that Felix left.

"You guys can go now. Anything else you need to now, we will tell you on your wedding." Chan's mum said and the dark princes also left.

(Felix's clothes)

(Felix's clothes)

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the light prince ! Skz x FelixWhere stories live. Discover now