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"Hello mothers and fathers. Welcome" Chan said and all of dark kings bow to them.

"Hello everyone, we hope you know why were here" Minho's mum said and the Kings nodded.

"Of course, please sit for dinner. Lix is going to be here soon" Hyunjin said and their parents sit on the dinner table along with the kings.

After some time Felix walked down.

They all turned their attention to him.

"Morning princess/ kitty/sun/angel/baby/pet/doll" the kings greated their wife.

"Good morning hubbys" Felix said.
"Good morning mothers and fathers " he slowly bow a little to them. Their parents also greated him.

"Oh my god. Lix dear, you look adorable. I've been waiting for the time I show you pregnant " Felix's mum said.

"I think you look really cute too" Changbin's mum said and all the mothers agreed.

"How many months are you pregnant Felix?" Jeongin's dad asked.

"Four months dad" Felix said.

"That means your gonna know the genders soon?" Seungmin's dad asked and Felix nodded.

"Today in two hours the doctor is coming" Han said.

"Omg ok. We're gonna wait to also hear the genders" Minho's mum said.

After dinner was done the doctor come.
"Oh- hello kings and queens. You called me to check the genders right?"

"Yes sir please go " Minho said and doctor went to see Felix.

"Hello my queen" Felix smiled at him.
"Hello sir"

"Are you ready to see the genders?" The doctor asked and Felix nodded.

"Great alright let's start then."

The kings and their parents were waiting inside the room. The kings were next to Felix while their parents were across the room.

The doctor smiled and turn to the kings and the queen.

"Congratulations, you are having three girls and one boy" the kings were really happy and so was Felix who was crying now. The kings went and hug Felix tightly enough to not hurt the babies.

The parents were watching their sons and smiled and them. Their kids now are built their own family.

The kings were really happy. They can't wait till their children will be born. They will teach them so many things like how they are going to use their powers and duties training them to protect their mum when they grow up.

Felix was also really happy. He can't wait to see his kids running around the castle.  Can't wait till he hold them in his arms. He already know what names he give the kids but haven't told anyone yet. He's sure his babies will look so beautiful to handsome just like their daddies.

After some times the parents left.
The kings and the queen were sitting on the queen's room.

"Oww!" Felix whined holding his stomach catching his husbands attention who quickly run to him.

"Kitty What's wrong!?" Minho asked.

"It hurts....." Felix cried out.

"I think they are using their powers...." Seungmin said.

"Ahh no! Not when they are inside me! It hurts so much!" Felix screamed.

"Baby calm down okay everything will be alright" Han dried to calm Felix down.

"Hey there little babies. I know you might like using your powers, but you're really hurting your mummy.... So can you please stop so mummy won't be in pain?" Hyunjin said placing his hand on Felix's stomach.

Then Felix wasn't feeling anything and he calm down.

"Were you guys using your powers when you were still inside your mothers?" Felic asked them and they slowly nodded with a little laugh.

"Of course you would. Gosh they will be like you. I never used my powers in my mum. And who will have to deal with all of you? Me of course."

"We know you loves though" Changbin said.

"Of course I do" Felix said.
"Now come here ......... I want candles and kisses ~" felix whined and his husbands chuckled.

"Of course princess..... But we have work to do...." Chan said.

"Is your work more important than me!?" Felix start to tear up and his husbands panicked.

"No!no!no! Angel it's not! But it's actually for you and the babies angel....." Hyunjin said trying to calm Felix down.

"Can I at least get kisses before you leave?" Felix asked while pouting.

His husbands smiled at his cuteness.
"Of course sun" Changbin said.
They all pecked him in the lips and were about to leave.

"I love you...." Felix said softly.

"We love you too, sleep now" they said and then they left the room letting Felix to sleep.

They actually wanted to make the room for their children. That's why they had to leave thought they didn't want to.

the light prince ! Skz x FelixWhere stories live. Discover now