I just want help

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"hubbys I need help here! You can't always do work when I'm taking care of the kids alone!" Felix said.

He's husbands had so many work to do that they couldn't help him out with the kids. The kids are now five months old. They start to grow and sometimes they use their powers without them knowing. Felix have to deal with all this since they have to work. He just want a little help nothing else but he's not having it from his husbands.

"Felix how many times do we have to told you. We have work to do okay? It's not easy! Stop acting like that" Hyunjin said as they were all mad.

"Acting!? You've always do your work while I'm taking care of the kids alone!"

"Stop it already Felix! Can't you see we're busy!? We can't deal with you right now okay!?" Minho screamed.

"Deal with me?........" They all stopped and looked at Felix who now had tear up.

"I just wanted you to fucking help me with the kids! They are not only mine! The only thing you've been doing is your work while I'm taking care of four kids alone! You have a fucking family now! And you have to take care of it! Is your work more important than me and your kids!? Why did you make a family with me if you ended up ignoring us!" Felix screamed and walked out of their office.


They all were surprised that Felix talked to them like that. Although he was right... Four the past weeks Felix have been taking care of the kids alone. But they had so much work that it get on their nerves and take it out on Felix. They all felt their heart break when Felix was crying because of them. They knew now that they have to apologize.

They all walked to the kids room. They heard soft sniffles coming from there. They walked inside and saw that the kids were sleeping and Felix was sitting on a chair crying.

They're heart broke once again. They walked Infront of Felix.


"Go way... You have work to do... You don't have to be here"

"Lix baby look at us"

Felix looked up at them. They all so that Felix's eyes were dark blue.

Jisung grabbed Felix by his wrist and make him stand up. He then hugged Felix.

"We're so sorry baby"

Felix hugged Han back.
"I just- I just wanted you - to help me......."

"We know angel... were so sorry for talking to you like that" the others joined the hug.

"From now on we promise we help you with everything you ask us okay?" Hyunjin asked and Felix nodded.

"Hmm... Sleep with me "

"Of course baby"

Jisung picked up Felix and walk to his( Felix's) room. They all changed and fell asleep while hugging him.

(Small chapter).......

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