
168 13 1

Januari 10th, Friday, 6.32 PM

6.32 PM
Hey :)

6.32 PM
How are ya doing, Styles?

6.34 PM
Oh hey Tommo

6.34 PM
Wow you texted me, well that's a first

Wow, I haven't been called Tommo in years..

6.34 PM
Goodluck tomorrow :-(

6.35 PM
I haven't heard from you in a while, are you okay?

6.35 PM
Yeah, I guess I am

6.35 PM
It's whatever

6.36 PM
It's not whatever

6.36 PM
For a lot of people it is.

6.36 PM
Well I'm not a lot of people

6.37 PM
So, do you want to talk?

6.37 PM
I do

6.37 PM
Great :)

6.38 PM
But not over text..

6.38 PM
Do you have skype?

6.39 PM
I do

Harry pov.

I looked at my phone and thought of what I was going to do. It was obvious that he's interested in Mia and what she was to me, but would It be akward talking to him? And more importantly, is he okay with me being gay? Or would he just be like everyone else and label me? It kind of scares me to be honest, but it will have to come up sometime. Probably soon, I want to talk to him about Mia. And, since that's the reason we broke up.. I don't want to lie to him. I stopped thinking and decided to just wing it. Whatever happens, happens. I'm done always thinking about my family and how it will reflect on them. Officially done.

6.41 PM
What's your username?

6.41 PM

6.42 PM
Hold on I'll text you x

Louis pov

-H.Styles94 sent you a contact request-

Accept Or Decline


H.Styles94: Hey I gotcha

KingTomlinson91: You did ;-)

-H.Styles94 is calling you-

Accept or Decline

Oewh la la! I'm getting nervous for them oh my :-)
Double update aye :'-) so kewl
Thanks for reading❤
Oh and, please share this story with the #wattys2015 I'm going to enter >:-)

Loads of Love,

x C

"Call me Daddy" Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now