
149 13 1

Februari 20th, Tuesday 12.00 PM

12.00 PM

12.00 PM
Louis please say you're here

12.01 PM
Fuck :(

12.03 PM
Wait you called me Louis

12.03 PM
What's wrong Harry?

12.04 PM

12.04 PM
There is something wrong

12.04 PM
I can feel it

12.05 PM
No, I can even sniff it

12.05 PM
It's nothing nvm

12.06 PM
Nothing is something

12.06 PM
Can we skype again soon?

12.07 PM
Sure, like tomorrow?

12.07 PM
Or like.. Now?

12.07 PM
Okay Harry srsly what's up

12.08 PM
Your typing is off

12.08 PM
Are you ok?

12.08 PM
Can you please just..

12.09 PM
Just call me

12.09 PM

Louis pov

I looked at my phone screen and scrolled back up our conversation. It worried me how he was behaving, something happened. What I said was true, it really was. I could sense when he was sad, mad or dissapointed. No I could sniff it from a distance. I slid to Skype and pressed the call button, he accepted in no time.
-your request is accepted-

"H-hey," I looked at Harry sitting on the couch and I saw his eyes getting watery.
"Harry? What's wrong?" It broke my heart to see him like this.
It's weird how you can grow into caring about someone so much in less than 2 months.
"L-louis I-I can't do this anymore," I saw him holding in his breath and he squeezed his eyes shut fiddling with his fingers.
"You can't do what anymore? Harry please what's wrong?" I looked at the screen between us, that aggitated me right now.
"I can't do this, everyone leaves," I catched a tear falling from his face and he quickly wiped it off.
"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you mean, I'm lost Harry," Suddenly it hit me. He was me, 3 years and a thousand of wasted tears ago. "Not everyone leaves," I suddenly broke the silence and he looked back up at me.
"Oh, is that right?" He looked mad but I really didn't give a fuck. This wasn't my first strole through this park.
"Yes it is," I stated confidently.
"So you are staying?"
"You bet your tight ass I am," I joked, trying to make him laugh, and my mission was accomplished.
"You know Louis, you always have the worst timing for your jokes," He said and paused, then continued. "Yet, you pull it off to make me laugh, every damn time," He chuckled suprisingly and I smiled at the sight.
"That's my job, Mr. Styles," I winked and he winked back then laughed. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I tried and he shook his head, motioning me to get off the topic.
"No I'm fine again, Lou," He lied. My jokes are a good icebreaker, but they don't fix problems. At least, not these problems. "Something happened," I said and he nodded. "Yeah, something did," He breathed out the words and nodded. "But I just needed to hear your voice for a bit, again," He smiled sweetly and I smiled back. "So you're just gonna leave me here?" I put my hands to my hips and he chuckled. "Yup," Harry said, rolling his eyes akwardly. "I feel so used," I fake gasped and he laughed a little.
"So,-" I cut him off and butted in. "You can use me anytime, Styles," I said and left him biting his lip, as I noticed was one of his twerks."No doubt about that," He breathed heavily after pausing then continued. "See ya later, Tomlinson,"

Harry pov.

I just realised I have so many problems, all caused by others, and then there's this guy named Louis, who has been fixing my moods for like two months, and I've never even seen him.
I guess in life, you sometimes need to stop thinking, and go where your heart takes you.
I grabbed my phone and went to Lou's message board on my phone.

1.06 PM
Someday you'll take me there, Tommo x

1.07 PM
You never make sense

1.08 PM
Dork xxx

I liked this chapter yayay :-)
Oh well I have nothing to saaay but thanks for reading!
Please share this story with the #wattys2015- ugh too much effort you know the drill

Loads of Love,

x C

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