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Louis pov.

I walked past Bagels & Beans and stopped, staring inside, letting out a big sigh.
What happened to him?
I ripped my eyes away from the coffeeshop and kept on walking, until my eyes hit a kiosk, and I saw the new issue of People Magazine.
Right there on the cover, Harry Styles, making out with random gay guy?
Random gay guy? Ofcourse.
So this was his problem? Is he emberassed of me?
So I knew what his problem was, but I was left in the dark with no directions. Great.
I grabbed my phone and quickly clicked a photo of the magazine then tried making up for the time I lost flipping through the magazine and ran to work.
I put on Little Mix - Wings. And walked in satisfied with the time.
"Tomlinson, you're late," I saw a dude walk in whom I don't know and he shook my hand tightly.
"I'm 3 minutes early," I stated and he rolled his eyes then pulled me with him.
"You go clean those cages, and I'll get the customer, he's looking for a pet kitten for his boyfriend," He said. I didn't really pay attention, because I was daydreaming about Harry.
I wish he wasn't this well known, and accepted for who he is like me. It seems like tabloids make it a disgrace that he's gay.. And with me.
2 hours later it was break time and the customer made his choice, so they made me do the papers. This job is so fun, oh my.
"Done," I threw the papers on the counter and the boy grabbed my hand. "Wait," His voice was strange to me, I had never heard it before.
"How can I help you?" I smiled forcefully and he suddenly pulled out a camera and flashes started blinding me.
"What the heck?!" I squeezed my eyes shut and ran to the back only to be pushed back out by the manager.
Thanks a lot.
"Go away," A familiar voice suddenly spoke which made me smile. Harry.
"But s-" He cut him off and looked at him agressively. "Get. Out," My head turnt to Harry and the pap found his own way out of the shelter.
"What are you doing here?" I pretended to be busy with my paperworks and he sighed.
"I'm sorry, It's complicated," He spit out words in a hush tone and I lifted my brows.
"Not too complicated for me. Go," I stated and he looked at his way too expensive watch.
"Meet me at our place when your shift is over," He spoke and left the shelter, with a quick kiss on my cheek, leaving me full of thoughts, yet again.
I just prayed the rest of the day would go by quickly.

Harry pov.

I looked at my phone as a distraction from the people who gave me stares. I hope Lou arrives soon so we can get out of here.
20 minutes later Louis' came sitting down next to me and I could tell he was all ears.
"I already ordered us coffee, we can take it with us. There are too many people here," He nodded and simply just went along with what I said.
It'll be okay
He won't leave me,
He's different.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating latelt, busy bee stuff aye ;) I hope you liked this (filler) chapter (:
Now it':'( 4.31 am for me, so I must say goodnight.
Sweet dreams

Loads of Love,

x C

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