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March 9th, Wednesday 11.40 PM

Harry pov.

I kept looking through the window and hoping to see his face, but I really didn't. I knew he wasn't coming, and I shouldn't have said yes. What did I think? That he would magically like me, and come all this way to comfort me? Was I even allowed to get comforted by a guy? No, I'm not. I know that. They would hate me if they found out, Mia was right. They would take away everything I care about. Or worse, they would make me stop talking to Louis. I pulled my phone out of my charger and looked at our converation. ✅Read 15 minutes ago. I became kind of sad as I looked around my home. It was so loveless, it was so cold. It was lonely. I layed back down on the couch clicked on the tv and started typing to louis.

11.45 PM
Hey, nvm that stupid outburst

11.46 PM
You don't have to come x

I put my phone down and put a pillow into my lap watching the telly until I became drouzy and tired again from staying up all night.

Louis pov.

I stepped on my bike and heard I had received a message.

11.45 PM
Hey nvm that stupid outburst

11.46 PM
You don't have to come x

I sighed and put away my bike, as this was slightly pissing me off.
So now what? What am I even supposed to say? Hey bitch let me come over cause I fucking like your tight ass?

Hiya, sad chapter :(
Oh whale.
How are y'all doing and please do share my story with the #wattys2015 hashtag! :) thanks so much!

Loads of Love,

x C

"Call me Daddy" Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now