
126 12 3

March 9th, Wednesday 11.04 AM

11.04 AM
Goodmorning :-)

11.07 AM
Morning Lou

11.07 AM
Are you ok?

11.08 AM

11.08 AM
Don't worry about it :)

11.08 AM
Harry what's wrong :-\

11.09 AM
Tell me :(

11.09 AM
I can't explain this to you, Lou

11.09 AM
Use your words..

11.10 AM
There's nothing wrong

11.10 AM
Don't pull that shit on me

11.10 AM
Something has been wrong ever since Mia's funeral

11.11 AM
Harry I see you're reading this

11.12 AM
Answer me

11.13 AM
Har, please :(

11.13 AM

11.14 AM
Please i'm asking you this one last time

11.14 AM
What's wrong?

11.16 AM
Can you skype?

11.16 AM
Sure call

-You are being called by LoulabyLover94-


"Seriously? Loulaby lover?" I chuckled trying to tease Harry but when I looked up at the screen reality hit me.
"Yeah, sorry.. Thought it would be funny..," He paused and kept looking away.
"It is, but I'm worried about you what's wrong?" I kept staring at the screen hoping that he might look up at me, but he never did.
"I don't really know how this works," He murmered and I slightly sighed. "What do you mean?" I said, while keeping my eyes at the screen still praying for me to get a glance from him. He put his hands in his hair face down. Suddenly he became really quiet, and I noticed his eyes getting somewhat watery, as the fighting against it wouldn't help.
"I'm so lonely, Lou," Finally he looked up at me, as if he was asking for some kind of warmth. As if he was asking for intimacy, maybe a hug. I bet he never gets hugged. I've had friends like him before, they were all snobby or very self-aware of their situation, but they were alone. I felt pity for him, my heart broke seeing him like this.
"I don't know what to do.. Do you need me to come out there? Harry look at me please," And before I knew it the words blurted out, as I felt my eyes grow wide. Why did I ask it? This might have ruined everything!
He became quite silent again, looked away and after a while, finally met my eyes again.
I tried watching his every move trying to read his thoughts, but that was impossible. Just Skyping with him already made me wonder so many things.
"Yeah," He said and suddenly closed Skype. I looked at my messages and saw his adress on it.
Am I really going to do this?
Hiya guyss
Oh my it's getting seriousss now :-0
I hope you liked it and TenerifeSea_xX. I hope you had a great day yesterday :)

Loads of Love,

x C

"Call me Daddy" Wattys2015Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt