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Hey guys, so first of all... Happy (delayed omfg so sorry) birthday to the best bæ on this planet @TabbyStyles
Wish her a good birthday guyss! This chappie is dedicated to you, have the best 17th❤!

Harry pov

"Harry come on, get some breakfast with us," Gemma's voice seemed worried, but I just stayed here, burried under the sweet solitude of my sheets.
"Harry, please," She knocked once more and then I heard her footsteps fade away.
Why did he do this to me?
Why won't he answer my messages?
Why did he leave without saying goodbye?
Where the hell did he go?

March 24, Thursday, 3.15 PM

3.15 PM
Where are you

Ignoring me again. Why was Des right? I believed in you Louis.. You made me believe you..
I turned around again, and closed my eyes to dream of what could have been.
"Harry," Suddenly my door got kicked in, and Des walked in.
What the fuck you don't just kick in someone's doors..
"You're out tomorrow morning, got it?" He told me, and I frowned until I realized why this was happening.
The 'if you do this you're out' look. How could I forget?
"You got it,"
He must have it because I don't.
"Yeah," I nodded and turned my back to him. Great. Just great.
You told me not to be so pessimistic, Lou? Fuck that.
I'm homeless, Yeah That's what I was going for when I turned in my heart to you, Lou.

Louis pov

I stepped out of my cab, and looked around my new enviroment but I was dissapointed. I surely didn't feel what I imagined I'd feel.
"Can I take your bags, sir?" A boy that worked at the hotel asked and I handed him my luggage.
Feeling numb, I followed him and he led me to the counter, to get me my key.
Soon I was in my suite, thinking about everything that happened.
God, I made a mistake didn't I? Why are mother's Always right?
They aren't what am I talking about? Gahh..
Whatever, it's too late now anyway.
I stood up and walked to the fridge to get a water, but as I tried to open it I got interrupted by my door bell ringing..
Who would that be? I don't know anyone here..
I walked over to the door and opened it looking at the presence in awe.

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