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Louis pov.

I sat down on the park bench, looking around only to see little kids playing soccer, and I couldn't help but wonder what ever happened to me?
My mom forced me into going to the fun-fair tonight, I guess she noticed I was feeling down about this whole thing and wanted to cheer me up.
I'd have to admit, my mom had always been my rock.
I could tell her anything and she would help me and never tell a soul. She's my role model.
She taught me that in life, you aren't succesfull if you end up with money, but you are when you end up with family.
"Hey sir, do you wanna play?" a little boy yelled out and I pointed my index finger to myself.
"Me?" I asked and he nodded.
"Sure!" I love soccer, I love little kids in a um.. Normal way, a good mix.
I got up and teamed up with a group of girls, and 2 guys.
"Okay so what's the game plan?" I huddled down with them which they found odd.
"Game plan?" A little girl with blonde locks asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, like how we're playing the game what are everyone's positions?" The little girls smirked and suddenly, I felt like I didn't lose myself completely.
After all, you can't always have a game plan in life.
Sometimes, you just have to wing it.

Harry pov.

I was yet again sitting in Bagels & Beans, basically staring in my coffee.
Have I ever really known myself? So scared of losing who I thought I was, but basically I'm nothing without him.
I guess I don't care anymore.
My family is gone, the money is gone.
I don't need them, I just need Louis. It's sad to think it took me this long to figure that out.
But now finally I knew what he was talking about.
That jittery feeling when I hear his voice, or when I see his face and my heart starts beating like crazy. When he touches me and I feel like throwing up the butterflies in my stomach.
I don't care if I'm being stupid, at least that would mean I'd be doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
The guy I fucking love.
Ok so it's been a while since I updated so here we go (:
I have to sleep now though, goodnight.xx

Loads of Love,

x C

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