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Louis pov.

"Harry?" I ogled around his room, which was more like a house to me and he faced me. "Yeah?" He sat down on his bed next to me. "This might seem weird to you or freak you out but.. Can I like, spend the night here?" I asked, looking at the magnificant self he is. "Of course you can, I'll have Jet show you to a guestroom. "I don't need a guestroom," I stated fiercly and his eyes widened. "Oh, I see where you're going with this," He chuckled and looked around his room. "You can bunk in my room," He said and smiled a dimply smile, which turned me on actually. He was so damn adorable, I just wanted to press him against the wall and fuck the innocence out of him.
"Hey Harry?" I said and stood up, staring him down. "Yeah Louis?" He smirked cheekily and put his hands on his back. "Come here for a second, you have something on your face," I smirked back and he came closer, actually thinking he has something on his face. How cute.
"You've got something, right here," I said and softly pressed my lower lip against the corner of his mouth.
"Harold when is-" Without any notice someone came barging through the door. "What are you doing Mr.Tomlinson?" The woman's voice seemed so strict. I bet she spanks her husband if he makes one false move. And not the good kind. It is a turnoff to me anyways, but that's not the point.
"Um," I was about to come up with some hideous story when Harry came swooping in. "He was just helping me get something out of my eye," He stated confidently which suprised me. "Oh alright," She said with a suspicious expression on her face. "So, what are you boys going to do today?" She asked and I looked at Harry. "Maybe play some video games?" I said and he nodded. "Or you can read for a bit, play golf outside?" His mom suggested and it seemed like she immidiately looked down on me so I agreed. "O-okay," I couldn't bring myself to stand up to her. She's like a queen bee.
"Yes yes, that would be nice," Harry lied. He couldn't possibly think that would be fun.
Plus, I feel like his mom knew he lied to her, but she'd rather live in denial. She doesn't even seem to care if her son is happy, just the image that he represents of her. "Alright," I broke the silence in the room, which was quite akward and his mom looked at him. "Harold," She nodded once and closed the door behind her.
"Well that was," I shrugged with a tensed shoulder.
"Akward," He sat down with a football, throwing it in the air. "I hope you don't actually want to play golf," I said quietly and he started laughing. "No,"
"But I don't know how to play video games so-" I butted in.
"You never played a video game?" I asked with a unhuman expression on my face.
"Nope," He sighed. "My parents always wanted me and Gemma to study hard so.. There wasn't any time for fun I guess?" He told me like he asked himself the question.
"That's kind of sad," I whispered and sat down beside him.
"Unless there was a charity or something! We could always play to raise money," He exclaimed excitedly, thinking it was a good argument.
It wasn't.
"But you never actually played?" I asked him seriously and he nodded.
"So you don't have any games?" I said and he shook his head.
"None, but we could buy some, if you want?" He was so sweet. He layed down and I followed his example looking at him.
"Life isn't fair is it?" He took a glance at me with a sad look, his eyes were practically begging for an answer.
Instead of wasting my breath on something that can't be answered, I stayed quiet and slowly grabbed his hand.
"Sometimes it is,"
Okay sorry that took a while I was out of inspiration omg how even :-0

Loads of Love,

x C

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