
115 11 3

March 15th, Tuesday 2.32 PM

Harry pov.

2.05 PM
I'll take you there, Styles

What would that mean? Oh wait, I remember. That's from our fetus chats oh lord, he still remembers? I sat down on the furniture infront of my big ass TV with some snack called nips. Apparently they're good, so I wanted to try them. I gazed at the tv screen and watched the couple in love kissing in the rain, then just escaped reality until Jet, my help awoke me with his raw voice. "Mr. Styles, someone is at the door, were you expecting visitors?" He glanced over at the nips as I offered him some. "No, I haven't," I said and he nodded. "I'll send him off then," He murmered and walked away. Him?
"WAIT! Jet?" I stopped him and he came back in. "Yes, Sir?" He asked and I almost stared through him. "What is his name?" I questioned and Jet put the plate he was holding, down. "He said his name was feisty, how is that even remotely possible Sir?" As soon as those words left his mouth my pupils widened like I was on drugs, my heartbeat fastened and my throat became dry. "Send him in," I hesitantly decided and he nodded, walking away.
Within time I heard his footsteps come closer and I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said and sat back in my seat, scared to fucking death. He was here?
"You've got a nice place here, Styles," His voice ringed through my ears like the melody of my favorite song. "Louis," I breathed when I saw him and I just couldn't help myself. I stood up and walked towards him, watching his grin grow. "Harry," He said back and chuckled then opened his arms. Before I knew it my arms snaked around him and I was breathing in his scent, that smelled like shit, but I didn't mind. "I was so scared," I said and tightened my grip.
"You don't have to be, anymore," He whispered and just right when I thought I had everything, I discovered something new.
Something better. Something priceless. "I've missed you, Princess," I said and he chuckled. "Okay those Princess days are over, dork," He laughed and I smiled through it.
"Fine, Loulaby,"

Their first meet oh my :-)
I hope you liked it cause I enjoyed writing
Thank you for reading these annoying notes at the end!

Loads Of Love,

x C

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