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After everything that happened in dinner we set our goodnights so i let bada have some rest. She showed me videos of her dancing last night as i complimented her that she is a good dancer indeed. Can be both feminine or masculine she is great in both.

Luckily i have a dishwasher so for now ill have it used. Since my injured left hand is in a bandage wrap its not that deep but still it is. I removed my sweater and my pants leaving me on my underwear Bruises and some cigarette burns are in my body as i self harm myself if i feel like im not enough. Looking to my wall mirror i see myself not beautiful but an ugly piece of shit.

Putting on a tank top and shorts to be more comfortable at home instead, grabbing my ashtray and my cigarette to make myself to the study room. While at it i made sure to be comfortable. Pile of papers and my laptop set. Starting to study up till 5am in the morning. I didn't want to rest so i plan to go on a jog before going to school.

I used to be an ice skater but my family forced me to have the doctor degree instead for my future, I won't lie i do like to be a doctor someday and a surgeon even but i rather plan to be a ice skater. Sadly thats not going to happen anytime sooner.

Taking a quick shower first then put on my leggings, oversized jacket zip up to my neck, and a baseball hat to go with. Have my hair tied up before putting on my running shoes and my keys on my pocket.

Getting outside after lighting up a cigarette to smoke i heard a door open next seeing its bada who also is in her sports attire. She looks at me with a grin and i checked my watch as its 6am in the morning. "Your early" i said to her

Bada grins "good morning to you too. Aren't you going to be more tired since your smoking?" She asked and i shrugged "not really i started when i was 14 anyways and it didn't change much" i said to her and see her starting to stretch. Putting out my cigarette before throwing it on the trashcan.

We both stretched a bit as we go to the elevator. "Your going for a jog?" She askee and i nodded "how about you?" I asked her as she show me her gym card "how about go to the gym instead? You can work out better there" she suggested

I shrugged again "I don't plan to. Plus the air outside is better than aircon" i said back before we go in the ground floor. Stretch my legs first "how about i join you?" She asked so i only nodded she give me her other earpod so we can run with some music. By bada's taste i can sense she is into anything which i like.

We started to jog and compared to her fast phase I did a good job to keep up with her. After like a hour of jogging and running we finally rested on the park where there is not much people. Our class starts in 9am anyways so we both have time. Drinking water that i carried peeking at bada who still looks good at drinking her water.

I swear if she have adams apple i will be touching it. I blushed at my sudden taught and looks away, see her removed her jacket as she is on black tank top. "Aren't you hot?" She asked me

Knowing if i removed the jacket she will see my marks. My unwanted ugly skin marks. "Nope. Unlike you im not sweating profusely" i joked which she laughed "oh really? Even in bed?" She teased me making me blush by her words.

Having no experienced relationship doesn't mean i have no experience in sex. "That would be a secret if you have a dick you would be hard by now" i teased back before moving back knowing our sexual tension might go out.

Bada poked her tongue to her chin as it made a bulge "if its you i would be" she says. Luckily my watch alarm goes on means i need to eat breakfast and have a quick study before going to school. "We should headback" i said as she smiled "hey this time you eat in mine. As neighbors" she joked making me nod again

Forbidden (bada lee x oc) AUWhere stories live. Discover now