544 14 1

After what happened earlier and bada's after care we both sleep till dinner, which we still have classes tomorrow morning. This time its bada who woken up first with food that she must have ordered in room service "thank you.." i sorely said and see she given me water too and making me sat down as i felt aches on my body "sorry i think i must have done it too rough" she says

"You think?" I joked before seeing its a 7pm "we should eat and go back?" I suggested since we have the whole afternoon here. And bada did have food ready for us as if we are newly weds and i feed her first too which she does the same to me. The dinner is great and we both go to shower in the tub as she is behind me massages my hair with the shampoo.

She noticed some hair falling "your hair is falling only a bit" she commented "oh it must have been because of stress" i said to her which she nodded "we should finish up and head back." She says

Me and bada finished up taking a bath before we pack our things. Lets her carry most of our stuff and payed the reception, i heard a phone ring and see its my mom. Didn't answer it and made my way to the  car with bada. She started driving and my phone rings again "you should answer that" she says

I sighed and did answer it after a few more rings knowing it's probably today's event. Knowing my mom keep tracts on almost everything i do.

Mom: sam! What the heck! You cancelled both of your tutor appointments today!? Why!?

Me: i went on a hang out with my friend.

Mom: and you asked permission for that!? You know that we are tight with money right now!

Me: so? Then work harder.

I never answer my mom like this, usually im being obedient and felt a touch on my thigh seeing its bada caressing it to calm my nerves.

Mom: your so bitchy right now! Fine! I will stop sending allowances to you then! See if i care!

Me: ok. Dad did give me his final will of money account anyways not to you. Bye.

Hanging up before my mom says anything more. "You ok?" Hearing my girlfriend asked as i smiled "yea im ok" i said back to her and pat her hand softly being on top of her's

"How about music to help?" She asked and i hummed in approval to her suggestion. Listening to a song she like makes me tired again, guess another side effect on the pills. Leaning to the door and my eyes are getting heavy.

For a few seemingly minutes but its been hours since the whole drive. Bada gently trying to wake me up, i yawned tiredly and rub my eyes "are we home?" I asked making bada nodded "yes we are" she says

Home. I love that word. I guessed when im with bada it feels like one. We both get inside her apartment so we can both rest, more like letting bada on her bed. I used her study table for now not wanting to go in my place. "You should sleep" i said go her

Bada kiss my forehead "maybe we should sleep together hm?" She asked and i shook my head "ill sleep a little later. You should be the one sleeping after the long drive." I said to her so she would finally have the rest that she needed.

I sat on her chair for the study table, started to do notes, feeling a touch on my shoulder and chuckle "you should sleep love" i say to bada, she leans down to kiss the nape of my neck "I can't if your wide awake... plus don't you have sleeping pills?" She asked

I show her the bottle that i have it on "already did but not yet sleepy" i said to her which she pounted even more. "Ill just finish this up and go ok." Feeling her kiss my cheek now "ok" she says tiredly seeing its almost midnight.

I look beside to see bada is laying down to sleep, grabbing my pad paper knowing i should start making letters. I wanted to make a letter for bada each of her birthdays till she is on her 100years if she reached that age, and for next 5 years of holidays and our anniversary. Hopefully that the 5 years of it will be her slowly moving on.

Starting to do my work for like a hour or two and began coughing up, using a tissue to cover my mouth to see some blood specks on it. I know i should rest, taking my pills and drink it up now. Feeling the pills starting to take effect for me to sleep, seeing its 3am in the morning.

Place the letters inside of a box first and going out to my apartment, having it under my safe in my table so even bada can't open it. Staring at the room for a while as i see myself even crying in bed or in the study table. 'The pain must be unbearable' i taught of myself.

I heard the door open from my apartment hearing bada is calling me from her tired voice. That made me chuckle and i grab my knitted sweater to make an excuse, going out the room i see her tiredly rubbing her eyes.

"Babe... you should be sleeping its 3:30am..." she mumbled tiredly as i go to her snd show my knitted sweater "just grabbing this. I finished my school works even done yours" i said to her which she looked even confused "wait you done mine?"

I hummed and link our arms together "yup yup. Now lets sleep. Also i was thinking we should skip school tomorrow just a class or two" i joked as i hear bada gasp "what have you done to my baby!" She playfully joked making me giggle.

"Just kidding come on" going with her to bed in her apartment. Let her cuddle me as she is always the big spoon in our relationship. Thanking the world that they given me bada. I guess its his final gift before he will take me away. Starting to overthink of things again.

Bada kiss the available side of my neck "i can clearly hear your taughts..." she says snd I apologize. "You drank your pills yet not yet sleepy. Should i eat you out?" She says so casually and that made me smile "no. Its just a lot of things are going on in my mind" I honestly said

"Whatever it is in your mind please disregard it ok" she says as if its the easiest thing to do. "Ill try." Feeling too tired now too and try to close my eyes so i could rest up properly. Feeling deep into sleep now which is better hopefully the next day will be easier.

Sorry if its short starting to get writers block

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