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Well after we all watch the movie i can say they are all morbidly traumatized now, they all stared at the credits without a word. "You guy's alright?" I asked them

Lusher shivered as she looked at me terrified "i saw two more movies of it are you into those too?" She asked and i nodded at them "its just a movie" i said as Minah groans "I can't even eat my popcorn! I usually finish it!" She whines making me chuckle at them as if im enjoying their state.

Bada bites her lower lip before looking at me "who enjoys that type of movie anyways!" She whined and i pointed myself proudly "me! Well there are some other movies depending on the type of horror or suspense you guys like" i said which they all said no.

I sigh in disappointment "its worth a try though" i sadly mumbled making bada stroke my head softly "at least we watch one" she says and they go to netflix instead to watch something else. Which we ended up watching white chicks, with korean subtitles so they would read it. I usually don't need the subtitles but since they all have a hard time to understand English i let them.

When the funny scenes appeared we all laughed to enjoy the show, feeling more tired than earlier, i noticed everyone is asleep now but me. Bada is laying her head on my lap as she is comfortable sleeping on. Stroking her hair and think she must look good in highlights or even in a different color hair, since her hair is long.

Grabbed the remote and place a horror one instead for me to watch, making me laugh silently to the jumpscare parts and bada jolted up when she is halfawake to see a nun jumpscare. "AISH aren't you asleep yet?" She asked as she is quite mad because she saw that scene while she is halfasleep.

"Nope. Look im even enjoying this" i pointed her the screen making another jumpscare as i laugh at her this time now. Its too cute to see her reaction jump now, she glared at me and mess my hair. "Your the only one laughing in this horror shows. Your gonna be in hell soon" she joked

I shrug cutely "well if i go there I won't be seeing you" making her silent now and realized what she said "I meant it to be a joke!" She taking it back as i giggle by her actions "its fine. Now how about we go in the room?" I asked her as we tip toe on our way to my bedroom making sure the others are asleep.

We lay in bed and cuddle to one another to sleep.

Morning arrived it still is raining and i woke up first running to the bathroom and began to throw up in the toilet bowl again, feeling someone stroke my back and haired pulled away guess its bada. "Ill grab you water" bada says as she is now awake too. I groaned in pain which she did go to the kitchen to grab water.

Lusher is awake making breakfast "the rain is hard so we will be crashing here for a while" she says as bada grabs water for me. "Yea sam is throwing up ill give her water. Not sure if she is into breakfast" bada said and before she goes in the room lusher spoke "do you plan breaking up with her?"

That made bada shock by what lusher asked and she clenched the water "no. Not ever." She clearly is pissed by that and came in the room to give me the water. I stand up and flash the water, going to the sink i washed my face first while bada is holding my hair "here drink water" she says

I grab the water and drink it making me cough, i started to brush my teeth since i could still smell my vomit. Once im satisfied with my breath bada leans to kiss me on the lips "love i smell like vomit" i said in defense as she pats my head "no your not. Now fix yourself breakfast is ready" she says

I go in the bedroom and change my top since there is some stain from my vomit earlier, grabbing a tank top instead since i am trying to be more confident to my body. Going out i see bada and lusher's tension as they are not talking, which is weird.

"Is breakfast ready..." i heard minah in her morning voice as she looked at me. "Looking good sam" she compliments guess she just wanted me to feel better under my skin. Tatter is clearly still is asleep and the four of us sat down to eat.

Minah is still half asleep while she is eating her breakfast. "Uh... you guys ok?" I askee them making bada nod beside me "yep. Its so great." She sarcastically replied.

Lusher groans "look bada im am just looking out for you. Sam your dying right? I told her if she wanted to break up." She bluntly told me.

Im more shock that lusher is brutally honest and will speak anything in her mind. "Bullshit. Me and sam are fine and you just want us to break up" bada angrily says

I know i have to intervene in this or else their friendship will break "lusher thank you for looking out for bada.. but its her decision if she wanted to stay or not... also im dying so its like much better than a break up right?" I said to them as the table is now silenced

Bada spoke first "no your not. We will go through your meds. Check for a different opinion and get through this together. With or without our friends help" she spoke coldly and i sigh at the situation. It must be hard for my girlfriend to understand what i feel and i know.

Lusher glared at us "fine. Do what you want and cry for sam's death im sure she wanted that" she defended and i spoke up before bada this time "look if having cancer is a problem I didn't ask you guys to stay or not. If its too heavy for you lusher i suggest you not to be friends with me anymore" i spoke coldly to her.

Minah is now fully awake and spoke up "what if we just have the best of it." Trying to lighten up the mood as she continues "lusher i know its painful to see our friends suffer in this situation. But we shouldn't make it worst. Its already hard enough for bada to cope sam is dying and sam is having a hard time due to her sickness. We shouldn't argue this at all. We are friends and we should support one another." She finished

Lusher stayed quiet and she bites her lower lip before she wipe her eyes from the forming of tears. "I dreamed of sam's funeral... i... i seen bada suicide herself" making me shock by her words and guess thats why lusher is looking out for bada.

Bada sigh and stands up going to lusher's side as she hugs her messing her hair "im not going to kill myself. Plus sam wouldn't want that." She says comfortably for lusher to calm down.

Glad the two are finally ok now before we heard a yawn standing who is tatter staring at all of us, then a long one to bada and lusher "wait is bada cheating infront of sam?" She asked tiredly making us all laugh

Minah shook her head "seriously? Come on eat breakfast" she says and the five of us started to eat more peacefully now. I do hope Bada won't suicide for me because i wanted her to live a long, normal, healthy and happy life. I wouldn't want to steal that.

Im already too selfish enough to keep her here with my suffering when i know i will leave her soon. Hopefully the future won't determine if i will live in a timer. I wanted to do a lot of things with them, my friends now, my family and even with my girlfriend.

"Sam." Bada spoke making me stop at my taughts "yea?" I asked and she showed my meds "I didn't know which one your having in the morning" she says making me happy she is taking care of me. For now please let me be selfish and be with bada a little more longer.

Forbidden (bada lee x oc) AUWhere stories live. Discover now